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Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good morning 💗💗 whether you were hoping for a negative or positive on the pregnancy test, I'm sorry either way 🙃

A drop of sweat ran down my forehead as I saw the first black line. I turned away for the remaining thirty seconds.

You're not pregnant.

You're not pregnant. 

It's all a farce. It has to be. 

Finally turning to see the results, I was relieved to see no second line. 

Oh thank god. 

With a kick in my stride, I exited the bathrooms. Much to my shock Hero was standing in reception silently.

When he saw me approach, he ran his hands down my arms looking worried.
"You practically ran from me in the parking lot. Are you sure you're okay?" 

I grinned earnestly. "More than okay."

Without warning, I stood up on the balls of my feet, wrapping my arms around Hero's neck for a deep kiss.

He reciprocated this, clashing his tongue with mine and cradling my face. This was more passionate than he'd ever been. 

After a long moment, Hero pulled away. 

"Let's not get you into trouble. I may have to take you in the bathroom and fuck your brains out."

I was about to make a joke about this when I saw Hero's eyes shift behind me. I swiveled around to find Cole staring at us blatantly. 


"Who the fuck is that?" Hero snapped, sounding more protective than ever.
I laughed, doing my best to divert his attention. 

"My boss's boss. He means business."

Hero slung an arm around me. 

"I hope to fuck he does his job well. He needs to quit eyeing my girl."

I pulled back the barest of an inch. 

"Hero, you're acting like every guy is after me. That's just not true." 

He grumbled. "With how many dates you've been on in the past month or two, I beg to differ."

Ouch. That stung. 

Just because it was true didn't mean he had to be a jerk about it.

"Look, I have to get to work," I said, trying to avoid a fight, "I'll talk to you later?"

Hero nodded, still eyeing Cole. "Yeah, I'll pick you up after work- I may even be here at lunch. Just let me know."

As I watched him stalk off, I made my way over to Cole. He had been kind at dinner, after all. That, and the fact he was the one to dictate how much I was paid every month.

Hero had to stop this.

Kristina," Cole smiled baring all his teeth, "I'm so glad to see you."

I suddenly felt the hairs on the nape of my neck rise. It was like someone was watching. Turning around, I saw that Hero had paused at the double doors, anger simmering on his features. His hands formed into fists- 

Oh no.

"I'm sorry if I'm running late," I quickly apologized, "I had a crazy morning." 

"I can see that." Cole commented, taking one last look back at Hero. "Is that your brother or something? I apologize if I offended him." 

I remained silent as I opened the double doors to the office. 

"Um... no. It's my ex- well, now he's my boyfriend." 

Cole's face screwed up nastily. "So, I guess you two worked things out, huh?" 

I paused, not quite sure if this was appropriate for the workplace.

"Yes, we did." 

Cole stopped walking as soon as we reached the front desk. 

"I just want you to know that if you ever need help and don't know where to turn, my door is always open." 

Where was this even coming from? 

I began shaking my head, but Cole went on. 

"This is me talking as your friend- that's all. I know of his family. They've caused a stir with Tawnee's family by including them in their business. Things get ugly fast." 

I shrugged. "I know. I've met... some of them."

"I hate to intrude like this." Cole frowned. "I just look out for my employee's best interest and-" 

With an incessant beeping, Cole's phone went off. When he finally set eyes on his screen, they went wide. 

"Oh my God," he gasped, looking up at me in mock horror. "Kristina, I... would you excuse me?" 

Without waiting for my response, he charged down the office towards a door I was sure was Tawnee's.

Arguing could be heard from the other side, echoing through the building. 

I stood by idly, feeling anxious from what could have happened.

A few seconds later Tawnee came bursting out of her room with Cole standing by her side. They both looked terrified. 

"K- Kristina," Tawnee stuttered, beckoning for me to come over. "Come to my office, dear. I'm afraid your job is at risk. The cops are on their way." 

As I started forward, with every bad possible outcome swirling around in my head, Brendan materialized from down the hall, looking as confused as ever. 

What the hell was going on?

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