Song Story-The Show Will Go On

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Oh lalalallalala~







This was a bad idea. Why did I lsiten to Sjin? Rythian thought to himself as he stood upon the doors to the Flux Buddies home. They had missed a meeting in Cournerstone, and it wasn't like them to miss something. He then knocked on the door. And like a beat of the heart the door slowly opened to reveal two fluxed buddies.



There was, a full moon in the sky

We met a brand new robot friend

At first he seemed a little shy

He would not play pretend


"Rythian~! Old friend! Sorry we missed the Cournerstone meeting this week~We were a little...busy." Kim giggled, staring off into space. Rythian didn't like the atmosphere of the situatiom. His friends were gone. He had to get out of here.

"Um...I have to go. Sjin needs my help." The two grabbed his wrist with surprising strenghth.

"You should meet mother...join us..." The mage gasped and struggled in their grasp as they pulled him away...


He sang just fine

And played in time

But did not look the part


"LET GO OF ME!!!!!" Rythian screamed as he was tied into a chair, his screaming stopped when he felt something cold and silver touch his neck. He flinched,"D-Duncan...I know you in there...snap out of it!"

"Shush. We have to get you ready to meet our Mother~" Duncan laughed slightly, and Rythian felt a huge surge of pain go through his back. Kim had started to spread the flux onto his back, Duncan cut open his arm and some flux started to pour in.


So we lovingly decided to give him a brand new start!!!

No matter what we say or do, its never up to me or you!

We smile now and sing a cheer!

The show must go on! The show must go on~!!

Never fear.

The show will go on~!!!


"We're going to have so much fun here~Playing togetgher~"


We removed his squishy casing

To keep his circuts safe and sound

ANd ended up replacing them

with robtic parts we had found


"Ah...there. Much better isn't it Rythian~?" Rythian gasped for air, his vision becoming blurry to say the least. He was dying. Too much flux, and it was interacting with his own blood magic or ender. Duncan grinned insanely and began to walk upstairs, blind to his friend who was in a world of pain.


But what a shame (a crying shame!)

Our friend,

was in a world of pain!


Duncan blinked and glanced around. "Where am I...?" he whispered. He heard a groan and looked over and saw Rythian. He ran to him.

"Rythian?!?! Who did this!?!?!" he exclaimed. The mage croaked a silent word before he passed away:



AN: Okay so I'm cutting it there. XD I didn't have any more ideas left after this line. So...

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