The spaceman walked into the forgotten facilty. It had been months since he'd last visited, he hadn't wanted to. Not ever since the day. His eyes glowed softly at the slightly darkened place. No more machines running, no more testifcates running amok. All the creations they've made? Gone. All the mutants? Gone. All the monsters like Lalnable Hector? Who knows. Lost in time.
Everything was gone. But the clones.
The spaceman continued thinking about all the crazy things they'd built over those years up to He refused to think about it. Not when he was so close to seeing it.
He walked down the stairs passing getting into the nearly broken down doors. He swiped a card and walked in, he looked over at a broken cage. The cage that once held an insane man. The spaceman sighed, remembering the days when his friend wasn't around and he'd taunt the mad man. He would just stay silent. Glaring holes into him.
The tall man sighed and tripped on a rock, nearly making him fall over. He quickly regained his balende and continued down. The more he went down though, the darker it got. But the brighter his got as well.
The spaceman looked over at the faint blew light. He walked more to it and set down a small box around many more. Years filled his eyes as he sst down gazing at the small smiling dwarf. Seeming to almost enjoy his friends company.
The spaceman named Xephos breathed in and wiped his eyes. "Happy birthdag friend. Happy birthday."