Lalna's Goggles-Shot Story

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AN: I didn't want to sleep anyway. Thanks deviant art.....


Lalna placed his goggles onto his eyes, he wanted to try something out, see the true forms of his friends, first up was Xephos and Honeydew, his best friends. When at the Craggy Island he placed them over his his eyes and looked at Xephos first. He was suprised at what he saw. He saw a monsterious creature with bat wings, fangs, and blood red eyes. The stared at Lalna with a devilish smirk.

Lalna quickly looked to Honeydew, it seemed to be the oppisite of Xephos's. The dwarf had a big smile much like his usual self. And had small angel wings with a small pig next to him. Lalna chuckled and put them back above his head continuing his work. He would have to try it on Sjin next. Or maybe Nisley and Lomadia. He would save Kim Zoey and Rythian for last.


Lalna peaked over to Sjin as he worked on a spell. He couldn't wait to see his true form. He put the goggles on and looked at Sjin. What he saw made him quickly put them back on his head. Sjin's was a true monster. It had pure red eyes like Israphel, a long alien like tail, and evil grin. It was just...monsterious.

"If that's the true form of Sjin then what am I?" He asked himself. He decided to find out. He went over to a mirror and looked at himself, bracing himself he put the goggles on. His true form was spilt into two halves, unlike anything he had seen yet. One side had an evil grin and a red eye. His part of the lab coat had blod splatters. And it was torn to shreds. Lalna shivered, then looked to the left side of it. It had a scared and timid look with a bit of hope. He looked like Lalna's old self, back when he and Kim had the castle. But...he seemed so scared. Like he was scared of himself.

Lalna took the goggles off and sighed. He understood, one part was mad and evil. Saditic and unkind. Would do anything to get what he wanted. Even kill. And the other one was scared of himself, was kind, caring, would do anything to help and make sure others where safe.

Lalna shook his head and looked down to the statues, Lomadia and Nisley where next.


He and Kim had been lucky enough to get there luggages back. But there he had seen the forms of them both. He hadn't seen Kim's. Not yet. But Nisleys and Lomadia's where extreamly funny.

Nisley's had been a neko of aorts. It had Nisley's body with cat ears and a cats tail with whiskers. Lomadia's was an owl of sorts, with a beak and feathers.

Now it was time for Kim. He thought as they reached the house.


"Hey Kim? Can I ask you something?" She turned to him, "sure." She said. "I've...been using my goggles to see the true forms of people all day. Some have been funny, some have been scary as hell. And some like mine have been...spilt. But I want too see yours if its okay." She stayed silent for a minute then nodded.

"Go ahead. I want to know yours after." She said. He nodded and placed the goggles over his eyes. Then he saw Kim's form. She was the same. But with tout the flux. And that was it. Nothing speacial, she was just her. But without the flux. He took them off and looked at her.

"Kim....its all my fault. Your form was just you. Without the flux though. I changed you. I'm so sorry..." he whispered. She smiled and shook her head, "I'm still the same Lalna, I've always been the same. And true it is your fault, but I'm not really angry at you."

He smiled and handed the goggles to her, "I have a few more after you see mine. But they can wait to tomarrow." She nodded and put them on. But quickly gloom them off. He face full of horror.

"....I-I know....its terrible. I'm a monster." She frowned " Let's just go to bed. Then you can finish this up to marrow, then we'll never speak of it again." She laid down in her bed. Lalna did the same. Falling asleep. But with an unsettleing shiver.

----------the next day.

"Kim...I'm heading out okay?" Lalna whispered. She noddee and shifted, "sure back soon." He smiled and grabbed his goggles and left the lab.


"Alright....Zoey and Rythian. Let's see who you really are." He put the goggles on and looked at Zoey first. She was just a giant mushroom. Lalna had to try really hard to hold in his laugh. But sadly failed causing Rythian to shove him up a wall. And Zoey to punch him hard.

"Lalna....why the hell are you here?" Rythian snarled, Lalna didn't say anything. He was too shocked and/or scared. He sees Rythian's. And it was horrifing.

It was like a demon had come straight from hell and was part enderman. It was just...horrifing. Lalna stared at Rythian. "Take them off!!" He pleaded. Zoey and Ryglthian exchanged glances, "take....what off?" Zoey asked.

"M-my goggles. Its horrifying! Please! I'll explain if you don't kill me first!" Rythian shrugged and pulled them off. Lalna sighed with relief that he couldn't see the demon anymore.

"Talk. Now." Rythian said. Lalna nodded and explained what his goggles could do. Rythian stared at the goggles which where now in his hand. After he finished Rythian was the first to speak.

".....I'm destroying these. Right after I see yours." Lalna's eyes widned, "p-please n no!!" Lalna said. But it was too late, Rythian had seen it. He took them off and stared at him. "Well. I see why you didn't want me to." Rythian dropped them to the ground. Crushing them under his foot.

".....this is over with. I need to go." Lalna flew up with his jetpack, "You owe me new ggoggles Rythian!" Lalna shouted before heading off. He would never speak of this again. But even the strongest of men could never forget the hell that they saw.

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