AN: god....too much feels from role Alex x Lalna they are chacters from roleplay. And not Lalna Duncan.
I cried heavily as I ran through the forest, tears streaming down my cheeks. She hated me. Everyone hated me. They where scared of me. An insane child. A boy of science, and a girl of magic. It could never work. She said it herself....she hated me.
"I hate you." She repeated, "Now leave me alone!" She yelled. I had stood stunned by her words. Tears had started falling down my face as I manged words, "F-Fine." With that I had ran off.
~End flashback~
I stopped at the factory door, was I really going to do this? Where the conciquenes that dad talked about real? What if we didn't resserct? What if there was no such thing as a new world? Questions filled my mind as I walked toward the reactor.
"It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. I have nothing. Everyone hates me. Everyone is afraid of me. She hates me. They are scared of me. Dad is angry at me. I have nothing left in this world. I hope if I wake up after this I don't remember anything. I won't have a broken heart anymore." I sigh and look out the window where the sun had started setting.
"...goodbye Alex. I loved you. I need edyou. And I will have missed you. But that doesn't matter does it?" I say smiling sadly as I ress the button. I hear the reactor I built start heating up. I feel a year slip down my cheek.
"....nothing matters. Goodbye Alex. I love-"
It goes off.