Nanthian-Heart and Mind

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"GOD DAMNIT!!! You have no idea how much he annoys me Rythian! The constant drinking, the constant sounds of the machines when I'm trying to sleep. I mean he's nice enough to try and help the flux but it just hurts so much Rythian...please help." Rythian held his smaller friend. He knew Duncan could be a pain. But he didn't know how to help other than by killing him.

"I'm sorry to hear that let me help with the flux." Rythian said softly. Kim nodded and faced him, Rythian held his hands to her heart and head. He chanted the spell. Kim sighed as he removed his hands. "Better Kim?" he asked. She nodded.

"Why do you always put your hands over the heart and head?" Kim asked. Rythian smiled under his mask, "Because there the parts that need to be kept safe. Like you heart, I protect it because the heart is reserved for love. Not tainted evil. And I protect the mind so you will remember everything and everyone. Everything Duncan, Sjin, and myself have taught you. Everything good from them. From us. So you can remember that we are here for you."

Kim blushed, Rythian looked at her. Not realizing he was leaning into kiss her. Kim leaned in as well, pulling off his mask. The twos lips met. And they both kissed back, their lips moving like puzzle pieces that fit together.

They parted and looked at each other. Gazing into each others eyes, "Can I stay with you longer?" Kim asked. Rythian laughed and brought her in for another kiss, "Longer? You can stay forever!"

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