Short Story-No One Lives Forever

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We all would like to live forever wouldn't we? See everything around you grow and become advanced. But immortality has flaws. Big flaws. You see people grow old and die. While you stay young forever.

However, if your a clone, a demi god or even just a forest sprite. Your cursed with living forever. I guess we can delve deep into these stories. Let's start with the clone Honeydew.

He was just once a regular real dwarf. He had his best friend Xephos the spaceman. The two had known each other for many years. They had saved the world from a great evil. About let's say, five years later, we have Tekkit. The jaffa factory. And we have three new players enter the game.

There not important. For now.

Anyways, all of them live a happy life here in the land of Tekkit. Sure, one of their friends has a few dark secrets here and there. But who doesn't? But back to our main topic. The trouble began one day in tekkit were Honeydew nearly died of a drowning. Xephos, realizing that no one lives forever, swore to make a way so he could keep his Honeydew. His friend. His dwarf. His partner. He soon created a facilty called YogLabs.

Yoglabs started out pretty innocent. Just small things, like little maid robots, car testing etc. But then, the mutants came. Honeydew was not prepared for this. However Xephos was blind to his needs. He only merely studied the dwarf. Seeing were he showed weakness, or had weakness's toward something.

And then finally, the day Xephos found it. The thing that could make any normal man, or dwarf. Live. Forever. Xephos had no choice but to trick his friend to take his life. Xephos felt some sort of guilt pass through him. But shrugged it off as this staged take over of Yoglabs proceeded. It was finally when Honeydew's master clone was "Killed" that Dew had to take over.

But then, has the dwarf climbed in. He relized what he was doing. And he felt terrible for it. Making his friend kill himself for immortality. "'t have to do this." He seemed to choke out. The dwarf looked at him, confused. But it was too late. The dwarf was sealed inside. Frozen.

Suddenly Xephos felt something, or someone tug at his pant leg. He turned around saw his success. Clone Honeydew. Immortality at its purest. Xephos looked at him. And smiled softly.

"Let's go. I wanna show you the world." He whispered. The other Honeydew nodded happily, "but Xephos, I know the world well! I taught you everything. I remember everything."

"Yes, but things change. So...let's go embrace change."

Immortality. The demi god if Minecraftia. Ridgedog. 

Ridge's life was simple as a mortal many many many years ago. He loved a woman, a woman who's name was lost in history. Let's just call her Daisy. Yes. Quite a fitting name agreed?

Anyways, he loved this woman so. But she rejected him everytime. In fact, he was not the only one. She rejected every man who asked for her hand. These were old times, rememeber dating was not common-probaly.

So, Ridge. In his desperation for this woman to love him, went into magic. Magic was a terrible thing in his day, and you could be killed-hanged even if anyone found out and reported you. Luckily for Ridge, he was poor. Hansdome as all hell, But poor. 

It was him hoever, who created the first love potion. As he ran to give it to Daisy, he stopped. Like time had become a frozen nether. Daisy, had fallen for a man. A man named Perculiar. This stopped him. He began to walk away, back to his home.

That's when he relized that no one could probaly ever love him. He was to desperate. So with that he turned himself in for the use of magic, 

His death was to be at three o' clock exactly.

Notch however, had other plans. When the time for him came, and he was led up to the post. A bright light appeared and seemed to attack Ridge. After all of that, Ridge began to rise, and fly in a sort of way. All looked him screaming "Witch! Monster! Demon!"

As Ridge heard these things being shouted at him. He snapped. And began to mercissly murder all of them. When he got to Daisy and her new love Perculiar. He stopped and looked at himself. He stood silent for minutes, as the story goes. Then grabbed a neary coat of a victim and took off, no one knows why he didn't kill the man who took his crush. His love. But people say it was because he saw how happy Daisy was with this man. 

Some people, like Xephos and Bebop, say they can still smell the blood on the dark blood red on his coat. But no one knows. And we doubt he'll ever say a word.

Yes, no one can live forever. And eventually Honeydew will die for good. He is just a clone. Somone will get to the real one. One day. And Ridge? Well, his powers were given to him by Notch. Notch is sure to get those back one day.

For now, we wait, And they wait, Waiting for death. To join those they cannot see or hear. Those...who are waiting for them as well.

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