DunKim/Zoethian/Rythna-Let Her Go

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"DUNCAN!!!!!" I jolted up from my workbench. I raced outside to see Sjin and Xephos. Along with Hat Films. I put a hand on my sword and walked over. I glanced at Sjin, there was anger in possiveness in his eyes.

I looked over to Kim, and whispered quietly to her, "Get behind me." She nodded and slowly walked back. I took a deep breath and started the asking of questions.

"Sjin, Xephos. Hat Films. What are you all doing here?" Sjin growled and pointed at Kim, I gripped my sword tighter, I'm sure my knuckles had turned white at this moment. Xephos held him back, "S-Sjin wants Kim back...and Hat Films wants their deed, their blood, along with me and Sjin's!!" Now Xephos was pissed.

"Well...for one Sjin, you can't have her back. She doesn't belong to you. And you and Sips blew her up." I saw a pang of guilt and pain when I mentioned that. Kim looked up, I glanced up myself. Seeing three figures that seemed all to familiar.

"Kim...get inside. Now." We slowly backed up while the others grew closer. Suddenly Ross stopped and fell down. Dead. He turned into code and went off to respawn. We all froze. I looked up and saw the one and only Teep.

"T-Teep?!?!" I exclaimed. Sjin froze and turned around, and soon enough, Rythian and Zoey came forward. Xephos looked at everything and everyone. "D-Do you three know each other?" Xephos asked.

Sjin and I nodded. Kim raced into the house, I quickly followed. Who knows what Rythian's here for!!! I ran down into the lab and grabbed Kim's hand. "Grab Tiddles, luggage and anything else you can manage. We are-"

"Your not leaving." I froze and turned around. I saw Sjin, in one hand the Kimslayer, the other a spell. The one that I made. I took Kim's hand. She looked at me, fear in her eyes. I know Kim is a fighter, but right now...im afraid too.

"Sjin stay away. I'm not sure what I Just saw out there. I'm not sure if that was Rythian, Zoey and Teep. But...right now...just stop." Sjin laughed and pointed at Kim again. "She is a menace! That-That FREAK and TAINTED girl will kill us all!!! I'm still surprised she hasn't killed you yet!!"

"Sjin...you may have a bad history with mages. But doesn't mean that its bad." I looked over and saw Rythian, a playful smirk on his face. I felt someone grab my arm, I turned around and saw Zoey.

"Hey Zoe...hows your arm?" I chuckled weakly. "Hey! Get off him!!!" I heard Kim yell, "Don't worry Kim! And the arm is fine Duncan...where gonna help you guys ShivSjin!" I saw Kim's face brighten. She pulled out her sword and kept at Sjin.

And I soon saw Sjin dissolve into code. Off to respawn. I felt Zoey let go and almost her presence disappeared completely vanished. I turned around, she was gone. I looked back and saw Rythian was gone.

And Kim.

"Kim...? Kim!? Kim?!?!" I looked around. The room seemed to have gone darker. And everything began to get burrier. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a pair of glowing purple eyes.

"Rythian." I whispered. He nodded. "...let her go. You lost her....let her go. I had to for Zoeya."


I opened my eyes, panting. I looked over to my drawer. I sighed and picked up the photo, "...I miss you Kim. I'm so so sorry..." I whispered. I heard Rythian's voice. 'Let her go.'

I sighed and walked outside by the river, photo still In hand. I looked at it one more time. Her smile, her laugh, her voice. It all went through my head one last time. I sighed and threw it into the water.

"Goodbye flux buddy." I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Rythian. I looked at him and buried my face into his chest, crying my heart out. I felt him kiss my head.

"We've been through it both. But you did the right thing. You let her go." I looked up at him, "Sing me the song please..." I whispered. He slowly sat us down by the river, he placed me in his lap and began singing softly.

"Cause you only need the light when its burning low.

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow.

Only know you love her when you let her go."

I began to sing another part of it,

"Only know you've been high when your feeling low.

Only hate the road when you missing home.

Only know you love her when you let her go."

And I let her go.

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