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Winter's POV

I sat there, waiting patiently for Moon to arrive. I stared at the night sky, watching for her star scales. I knew it was pointless to do so but I still needed to do it. I had to make sure that she wasn't messing with me when she said to meet her at the beach. Who am I kidding? It's Moonwatcher. Of course, she'll keep her word. 

"Waiting for me again?" a soft voice whispered. I spun around and my tail swung gracefully. Suddenly, our eyes locked. Cold blue eyes that freeze a SandWing and soft warm dark green eyes. Her blackish purplish scales shone in the light of the moon. 

"You told me I did," I whispered back. "IceWing princes always keep their word."

Moon rolled her eyes but in a sweet way. How could I ever be good enough for her? How can she choose me knowing that she could have such a nice, kind, and funny SandWing? What was it about me that was so special?

"Winter, before you speak, I want to tell you something," Moon whispered. "I told Qibli that I didn't love him. It hurt me to say it to him because I know that I lost him as a friend. But...when I see you, I think of all the good...and the bad...that you did. You are so noble and honest. But you have a temper."

"I think I know my own personality, Moon," I hissed. Moon looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "Uh... sorry."

"But you are controlling it. So...I think I like a lot..." Moon breathed. "So, Winter of the IceWings...will you be my boyfriend?" Moon wondered.

I nodded. "Yes."

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