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Moon yawned tiredly and stretched her wings and arms. She turned her head in the direction of Qibli, but he wasn't there. He must be talking to his daughter, Moon thought. I should talk to mine. She should know that I'm with Qibli now. Moon walked out of the sleeping cave then walked over to Alaska's sleeping cave. She peered into it and saw that no one was there except Alaska. Moon took a deep breath then walked in. 

Alaska looked up from her scroll and smiled when she saw her mother. Alaska's piercing blue eyes stared deep into Moons'. Those dreadful eyes that Winter passed down to Alaska made a shiver crawl up Moon's back. But Alaska's smile made Moon forget about her ex-husband. "Mother!" Alaska beamed. She set down her scroll and skipped over to Moon with the biggest smile. 

"Hey, sweetie," Moon said, smiling kindly. 

Alaska hugged her mother blissfully then asked, "wait, what are you doing here?" She pulled away then looked into Moon's eyes worriedly. "Did something bad happen at home? Is Father okay? Are you okay?" Alaska wondered. Moon took off her fake smile and replaced it with a frown. 

She so badly wanted to say, "no. Nothing's wrong." But she couldn't bring herself to lie. Not to her own daughter. Alaska looked at Moon suspiciously frowned her eye ridge. "Mother? Why are you hiding your thoughts from me?" Alaska questioned worriedly. She placed one claw on Moon's cut. "Why do you have a scar on your face?" 

Moon sighed and took Alaska's talons in hers. "We need to sit down." Alaska nodded anxiously and dragged Moon over to her rock bed. They sat down and Alaska faced Moon with a concerned look on her snout. 

"So?" asked Alaska. 

"Uh..." Moon trailed off. How do you tell your daughter that you're dating someone else? Oh, wait, I also have to tell her that her father struck me across the face. What a wonderful conversation we're about to have. Moon looked at Alaska with pain in her eyes. "Darling, this isn't an easy conversation for me. So, feel free to cry or whatever. Because I'm here. Okay?" Moon said.

What's happening, Alaska thought. 

"Six days ago...your father and I split up," Moon started. Alaska looked at her with teary eyes. "And it's not because we don't love each other anymore, because we love each other so much," Moon cried. "It's because I barely recognize him anymore...and also because your Father was the one who gave me this scar..."  Alaska started to sob uncontrollably. "I know, I know," Moon whispered. 

Alaska buried her snout in Moon's chest. Moon could feel Alaska's tears sticking on her chest as Alaska cried, but Moon didn't care. She deserved to cry. I knew it, Alaska thought. Moon took uneven breaths and said, "there's something else..." 

Alaska pulled away and stared at Moon intensely, just like Winter did when he was angry. "What is it, Mother? What else is there?" 

"I'm dating someone else..." 

Alaska's eyes flared with rage and she stood up on her hind legs, just like Winter did when he was enraged. "After six days, Mother?! SIX days?!" yelled Alaska. Moon winced at the volume of her voice. What the Moons, Mother, Alaska thought. "I can't believe you! I seriously can't believe you! You've been married to Father for what? Five years? And after six days you decided to date someone else?" 

"Actually four..." Moon whispered. 

"FOUR?!" Alaska boomed. "How is that better?!" 

"Well, you're father wasn't a great man, Alaska!" Moon cried, waving her arms around. "We would constantly fight. And when I mean constantly, I mean CONSTANTLY," Moon yelled. Alaska rolled her eyes. "I would sleep, freezing because he would barely warm me up!" 

"Mother, he's an IceWing!" Alaska growled. "He's supposed to be cold."

"That's not what I mean!" Moon shouted. "I mean, he barely made love with me! The last time we did was when you were made!" 

"Gross, Mother! I do not need to know about you and Father's love stuff!" hissed Alaska. Moon rolled her eyes. 

"Please, you need to know this before you go accusing me of being the worst dragon in Pyrrhia," Moon frowned. Alaska huffed and sat down. "Please understand that I was barely happy with Winter, honey," Moon whispered. 

After a pause, Alaska asked, "how unhappy?" 

"Too unhappy," Moon muttered. Alaska looked at her sadly then sighed. 

"Who's the guy?" she wondered, gritting her teeth. 

"Qibli," Moon answered. Alaska nodded her head then looked up, and those dreadful eyes that Winter passed down to Alaska stared at Moon dead in the eyes. 

"I want to meet him." 

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