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"Get this messed cleaned, Moonwatcher," Winter spat. Moon winced and picked up all the broken pieces of the rock that Winter shattered. She couldn't believe that she fell in love with a monster. I don't get it, Moon thought. Yes, he wasn't the best dragon when we were dragonets, but at least he had a heart and he came around. But now...he just turned into something...something so horrible. How did I not see this? "Hurry up! I'm thirsty," Winter growled, laying on the bed. 

She shuddered and picked up the pieces faster. Moon couldn't keep Winter waiting, if she did then who knows what might happen. "I just gave you a cup of water three seconds ago," Moon whispered. 

"Not that kind of thirsty," Winter slurred. Moon shivered and walked over to the garbage slowly. No. You have to trick him. You have to make him think that you are submissive. Because if you do, then he'll order you to scream because you know he likes that, for some strange reason. Remember, you told Qibli to go into the cave until you hear a scream. just have to scream a lot.  After she dumped the pieces in the trash, she laid down on the bed. Winter raised his eye ridges and grinned. "'re finally submissive?" he grinned. 

"Yes..." Moon murmured. Winter started scooting closer to her but Moon shoved him away from her. "Winter...I have a question..." she said, looking at those dreadful eyes. Winter rolled his eyes and stared deep into hers. 

"Fine. What is it?" Winter growled. 

Moon took a deep breath to summon the courage she never thought she had. "Why? You already killed Qibli? You already have me walking if your will. So...why go through all this trouble to keep me here?" 

Winter stared at her for a few seconds then his eyes softened. For the first time in a long time, Moon saw the true Winter. The Winter she fell in love with. His dreadful eyes became beautiful, and his frown became pitiful. "Because...because I still love you, Moon," he whispered. "I know I have been the worst husband ever. I mean, I gave you a fa-uh...," he trailed off then scoffed. "I threw a fake head at you, I threatened to kill Alaska, I took away your freedom, and I kidnapped you, and not to mention all these horrible things I've been doing to you..." Winter started to tear up. Moon sat up and placed her wing around him. 

Winter turned his head and looked at the floor. "You're all I have left. After Hailstorm's death and Icicle's trail...I don't have my family anymore, Moon. I don't have my best friend. I don't have our best friends. Our daughter is terrified of me. You're the only one I have, Moon. So, after I had that dream, I was furious, lonely, and jealous. Therefore, I took away your freedom, in hope that you would stay with me forever and not fall in love with a kind, funny, and handsome SandWing," Winter cried. 

"But, taking away my freedom, threatening to kill our daughter, attempting to kill Qibli -- your best friend -- isn't the way to get me, Winter," Moon whispered. 

"I know. I know that now. I wish I knew earlier, now we're both stuck in this cave. I can't leave otherwise I'll be sentenced to death. I just wanted somebody to lean on. Somebody to love. Somebody to hold," Winter murmured. He turned to face Moon and took her talons in his. "I know you might never forgive me...but...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I'm sorry. I'm s-so s-sorry..." Winter apologized. 

Moon gazed into his eyes and saw that he was sincere. He wasn't playing around. His tears were real. Tears escaped from her eyes. "Winter...I can't say that it's okay..." Moon trailed off. Winter turned away. "But I can say that I forgive you. Qibli may not. But I will." 

"Qibli?" Winter whispered, turning to her. Should I do it? Should I tell him? Can I trust him? No. But you love him. Even if you're with Qibli, you will always love Winter. Maybe not the same ways you love Qibli, but you do. 

"Yes. Winter, Qibli contacted me two days ago, he's on his way here," Moon started. Winter sighed and laid on the bed. "He's coming to get me. But...if you don't want to die, because I have a feeling that he'll want to kill you after all this." 

"I'm still your husband so technically I was allowed to do all that stuff," Winter muttered. Moon rolled her eyes and laughed. She smacked him with her wing and smiled weakly. Winter looked up at her smiled kindly. "It's been a while since I heard your laugh," Winter whispered. Moon looked at the floor and smiled. "Tell me...does Qibli make you laugh? Does he make you laugh like that everyday?" 

Moon nodded. Winter sighed and pulled Moon into a hug. "You love him, don't you?" Winter mumbled. Moon nodded. "I know. That's what got me so mad. But...go. You can go. Don't come back. Forgive me. Don't come back. Let me die here," Winter ordered. 

"But, Winter..." Moon said. This is your time to escape, why are you not running? Because I care about him. "What will I tell dragons?" 

"Tell them that you killed me," Winter ordered. "It will make you look like a hero and me like the villain." 

"Winter, I can't leave you in this cave," Moon whispered. Winter shook his head and pulled away from her. 

"I won't be here forever," he reassured. "I think I'm going to fly to Pantanla (is that how you spell it?), and restart. Now, leave. Before I change my mind," Winter whispered. Moon nodded and walked toward the entrance of the cave. Before she went, she heard Winter think, I love you, Moon. Tell Alaska that I'm sorry. Tell everyone that I'm sorry. 

With that, she walked out of the cave. The sun's light was so blinding that she almost went blind. Moon walked away from the cave in tears, she walked on the beach and laid there. Moon drifted into sleep, hoping that Qibli would see her. 

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