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Winter frowned and watched as Moon flew off into the sky. Does she realize that he's going to follow her? Winter was pretty sure that she does. Maybe she's trying to use reverse psychology on him. Maybe she wants him to think that she knows that he was going to follow her so he won't follow her. Why, that sneaky little lynx! I'm going to follow you and I'm going to prove that you're cheating on me. 

Out of anger, Winter took off into the sky to follow her. It didn't take that long to get to Jade Mountain. Just a few hours but by then, Moon was nowhere to be seen. Probably off talking to Qibli. Just the thought of his old classmate made Winter want to sigh. Winter hasn't seen Qibli since the fight at Jade Mountain...which was what? Five years ago? They never sent letters or met up to talk. Well, Qibli tried to talk to him but...Winter never sent a letter back. 

So, when Winter landed on the steps of Jade Mountain, he felt a wave of flashbacks into his mind. Like the time he first came and when he left to go on his quest to find Hailstorm. And the time when Moon told him that she could read minds and see the future. And when his idiotic but kind group of friends followed him on his heroic quest. Winter shook his head to get all those memories out of his head. Remember, Winter, he thought. You're trying to prove that Moon is cheating on you. So, she said she was going to see's sleeping cave. 

Winter walked into the school and as soon as he did, he saw that the school he used to go to was bustling with activity. Even Fatespeaker was stressed when Winter walked in. Winter walked over to Fatespeaker with a scowl. "Where's Alaska's sleeping cave?" hissed the chilly prince. 

"Winter? Is that you?" Fatespeake wondered. Winter scoffed and looked at the ceiling. "I honestly can't tell anymore. There are so many IceWings walking in and out of this school that I can barely remember their names. But I do remember yours. You were the only IceWing who wasn't insane," Fatespeaker chuckled. He did his best to not wince. 

"I just need to know where my daughter is staying at. I didn't come here to talk to a crazy NightWing," Winter growled. Fatespeaker winced at his choice of words but scanned through her notes. 

As she was scanning, he heard her mutter, "Still as mean like the other IceWings...and NightWings at that." Winter turned his head away and watched as Tsunami chased after Clay with her teeth bared. Peril came racing after them, shouting at Tsunami. 


"THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT, HONEY, BUT PLEASE DON'T BURN MY FRIENDS!" Clay yelled in fear as Tsunami chased after him. 

"STAND STILL!" Tsunami shouted. Winter rolled his eyes at the chaotic group of teachers. Sometimes he didn't understand how Tsunami allowed Peril to be a chef, self-defense teacher, and hall monitor. But, he had a feeling that Clay had to do with the chef, and the self-defense teacher idea. 

"Oh, hey Winter," Peril called as she raced down the hallway. "Wait. What? Icy Prince, is that you?" she skidded to a stop and let Tsunami chase Clay around. Peril walked up to Winter, but as she walked toward him, Winter let a low growl escape from his mouth. He didn't have time to have a chat with Peril. He needed to find Moon and he needed to do that now! 

"Yes, it's me, Firey Monster," Winter barked. Peril rolled her eyes but watched him suspiciously and excitedly. "You look different," he noticed. And in fact, Peril did look different. She looked more mature and calmer. She had a few marks under her eyes due to a lack of sleep but Winter noticed that on her right forearm Peril had two tan lines. Like a bracelet was missing. 

Peril must have noticed him staring at her arm because she pointed at it. "This? I have a bracelet that I can take on and off to control my firescales. Like if I wear it then my firescales go away. But if I don't then I have my firescales. It's a blazing trick, right? Turtle enchanted the bracelet. I told him not to but he clearly doesn't listen to me. Sometimes that SeaWing gets on my nerves. But you know, we're best friends. Besides Clay. Clay is my BEST friend. Plus he's my partner so he kinda has to be my best friend, right? Is Moon your best friend? Who am I kidding? Of course, she's your best friend!" 

Winter paused to think about that absurd question. Was Moon his best friend? She was the only one he talked to except for Lynx and his brother. But...what about Qibli? Wasn't he Winter's best friend at one point? At one point. But anymore. So...Moon was the closest thing to a best friend he could get. "Obviously," Winter grumbled, still uncertain about his answer. 

Peril stared at him curiously, but she was still smiling. "Alright..." she said, trailing off. They stayed like that in awkward silence for a bit, until Peril told Fatespeaker, "Hey Fatespeaker, I think Tsunami took Clay to the library. There's bound to be a fight there, you may want to go find Starflight to make sure that he's okay." 

Fatespeaker's eyes widened in fear and in anger. A second later she ran away from them and skidded into the library. "Okay, now that we're alone," Peril started, "what are you REALLY doing here?" 

"I'm here to see Alaska, you know, my daughter," Winter hissed. Peril eyed him skeptically. 

"Funny, I thought I heard Moon say the exact same thing...two hours ago," Peril growled. Winter rolled his eyes. Nice cover, Moonwatcher, he thought. "And usually only one parent goes to see their tell me, IceWing...what is the real reason you're here." 

"Peril, I really don't have time for this," Winter frowned. He looked back at Fatespeaker's desk and saw Alaska's sleeping cave number. "If you will excuse me, I must go to my daughter. Can't say it was a pleasure talking to you," Winter said. 

"Same, IceWing," Peril hissed. "Same." 

Winter ignored Peril and walked over to Alaska's room. When he went there, he saw that Alaska was alone in her room. Alaska was frowning and cleaning her sleeping cave. No doubt, Moon told her to clean it, Winter thought. Alaska looked up and saw Winter then beamed. Her ice-blue eyes stared at Winter with joy when she saw him. 

"Father!" Alaska beamed. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Winter put on a half-smile and walked into his daughter's sleeping cave. 

"I came to see you and your mother forgot something important," Winter lied. "Do you know where she is?" 

"Mother just left about an hour ago, she said something about catching up with some friends. So, maybe with Kinkajou, Turtle, Peril, or Qibli," Alaska said. Winter knew that she hasn't talked to Peril because the firey murderer was just talking to him. And Moon sees Kinkajou and Turtle all the that leaves Winter with Qibli. I knew it, Winter thought. Sometimes I hate being right. 

Even though he was prideful that he was right, Winter felt a pain that he couldn't describe. Like something was breaking his heart. Winter hasn't felt this since five years ago. Winter kept his half-smile on for Alaska and nodded quietly. "Okay...hey it was nice to see you again, darling," Winter smiled. 

"Father, it's only been twelve hours," Alaska chuckled. 

"All the more reason to miss you more," Winter said, chuckling with her. Alaska smiled and hugged her father. "Love you," Winter said. 

"Love you too, Father," Alaska beamed. As much as he wanted to stay in this embrace, he knew he had to stop Moon from cheating on him. When he left Jade Mountain, Winter was already thinking of a plan. 

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