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Moon looked around in fear and sorrow. In front of her was Alaska's limp body. Moon screamed in agony and knelt down to cradle her baby. Alaska's horrid blue eyes stared up at her, lifeless. "No. No. My baby. No..." Moon sobbed. Suddenly, Alaska's body was replaced by Qibli's lifeless body. Moon laid down and sobbed herself to sleep...

"Moon..." his voice whispered. She looked up and saw Qibli standing in front of her. 

"Q-Qibli?" Moon stammered. "H-how are you alive? Wait...did I kill myself? Did I suffocate while I was sleeping? Or did Winter kill me?" Moon questioned. Tears were at the brim of his eyes and he pulled her into a hug. 

"'re alive!" Qibli cried. 

"Q-Qibli. I-I c-can't b-breathe!" She gasped. Qibli let her go and placed his talon behind his head and smiled sheepishly. 

"Sorry..." he whispered. 

"It's okay. At least I'm with you," Moon sighed. "Who knew heaven would look this dark," she murmured. "I always thought that it was bright..." Qibli pulled away and looked at Moon with confusion in his eyes. 

"Who said you were in heaven?" Qibli asked. 

"You mean I'm in hell?" Moon gasped. "I should've known! After all, I did do something REALLY bad then lied about it. And now-" 

"You're alive. You're not dead. I'm not dead. That head that Winter threw at you was a fake. Just like the fake Glory head,"  explained Qibli. 

"'re not dead..." Moon breathed. Qibli shook his and wiped the soft tears that escaped her eyes. "So...that head was a distraction! Winter! That sick SON OF A GOAT!" Moon stood on her hind legs then fell to the floor in despair. 

Qibli laid down next to her and kissed the top of her head. " have to tell me where you are," he instructed. Moon shook her head and sobbed. 

"I don't know where I am. Plus, Winter said that if I tell anybody then he'll kill Alaska!" she wailed. 

"I won't let that happen," Qibli said firmly. Moon nodded and wrapped her wings around him. 

"We're off the coast of Pyrrhia, the first island, go deep into the jungle, and you'll find a cave. Go in until you hear screaming and crying..." she whispered. Moon felt something stir next to her and she pulled away. "He's waking up..." 

"I'm coming for you. Try to get out and if you can't I'll see you in two days, okay?"  Qibli whispered. Moon nodded and Qibli started to fade away.


Moon whimpered in fear as she crawled away from sleeping Winter. She did her best to not make any noise that would wake him. Moon smiled when she made it halfway out of the cave. "Where do you think you're going?" Winter's chilly voice called. 

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