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Qibli woke up with a shearing pain in his arm and side. He looked down and saw that his body was covered in sand. Was he dead? Did Winter win the fight? Qibli hoped not. Otherwise, Alaska and Moon would be in serious trouble. "Qibli?" a sweet and delicate voice whispered. Yup. I'm in hell. Heaven wouldn't do this to me. Heaven wouldn't send an angel with Moon's voice to me. So, I'm definitely in hell. "Qibli are you wake? Oh moons, please be awake!" Moon cried. 

Qibli groaned in pain and turned to meet Moon's gaze. "Am I in hell? Because I just have to know," Qibli sighed. Moon squinted her eyes in confusion and shook her head. 

"No! Why do you think you're in hell? You're alive!" Moon exclaimed happily. 

"I'm not dead?" Qibli asked. 


"Oh." There was an annoying silence that overcame them. Suddenly, Qibli said, "I guess you found out..." 

"Yes. Thankfully I found it in time!" Moon growled. Her emerald eyes glared into his and Qibli suddenly felt an explainable fear. "Qibli, if the Outclaws didn't show up when they did then you would most surely be dead! I'm so mad at you!" Moon yelled. "But I love you so much!" Moon pressed her snout against Qibli's and kissed him passionately. "Don't you dare do that to me again!" 

"Yes, ma'am," Qibli smirked. Moon rolled her eyes and wrapped her wings around him. Qibli loved the smell of Moon. She smelt like vanilla mixed with cinnamin. 

"Alright...I'll let you rest," she whispered. She stood up and started to walk away. Qibli grabbed Moon's arm lightly and pulled her closer to him. 

"So fast?" Qibli murmured. 

Moon giggled like a dragonet and kissed him again. "Yes. I have to check on Alaska, after told Alaska about  your encounter with Winter, she decided she wanted to see if you were okay. But who knows who she's yelling at right now," Moon sighed. 

"Alright. But come back," Qibli purred. Moon smiled and walked away. Qibli closed his eyes and started to fall asleep. 

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