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Three Hours Earlier

"Tsunami, Clay, Sunny, Starflight, Fatespeaker, Webs, and Peril," Moon started. "I come here today to ask if I could come back to school. I haven't been to school since the war with Darkstalker but I think it's time I should rejoin," Moon said to the school teachers. Tsunami raised her eye ridge, Sunny smiled happily, Clay smiled kindly, Starflight stared in the wrong direction of Moon's voice, Fatespeaker was guiding Starflight so that he knew where he should be looking, Webs stood there nonchalantly, and Peril beamed. 

"I think she should come back," Sunny chirped, smiling like a manic. 

You always want dragonets to come, Tsunami growled. Moons! Moonwatcher isn't even a dragonet even more! She's a full-grown dragon! 

I have NO idea where I'm looking, Starflight thought. Is Moon's voice at the right or the left? 

I think it's a good idea for Moon to come, Fatespeaker thought. 

Great. Another whinny dragon to annoy me in class, Webs thought. 

Chicken...juicy chicken...Oh, chicken! how I missed you! I can't wait to take a big bite out of you, Clay thought. Oh! And Peril. I love her so much. I wonder if she's thinking about me. 

I flames Clay fires about flames, Peril thought. Moon still couldn't get over the fact that she could barely see Peril's thoughts. 

"I say we vote," Clay exclaimed. They nodded and started to vote. "All who vote Nay?" Only Webs rose his talon. Tsunami shot him a death glare and he lowered his talon. "All who vote Yay?" Everyone rose their talon, and Moon felt a burst of pride explode around her. Peril walked away from Clay and beamed at Moon. 

"Welcome to Jade Moutain," Peril cheered. 

"Oh, my moons! Thank you!" Moon cried, trying to hug Peril. But thankfully, she moved away so Moon won't burn to death. 

"Sorry. Remember no touchy. I can't have my student die on me," Peril chuckled. Moon nodded, blushing a bit. Clay walked over to Peril and placed his wing around her. She side jumped a bit then acted all chill. 

"Why don't you take Moon to her sleeping cave," advised Clay. 

"Sure! Whatever you want, Clay! Uh, I mean...sssuuuurrreee? I guess I could do that. It's not like I have anything better to do," Peril said, trying to act cool. Clay smiled then walked away chuckling. Moon and Peril turned around and started walking to Moon's sleeping cave. 

"Uh, I'm sleeping in Qibli's sleeping cave," Moon said. 

Peril paused in her steps and looked at Moon with a confused look. "Wait. Aren't you married?" Peril wondered. 

"Uh...not anymore..." Moon whispered. Peril looked at Moon one more time then continued to walk. "So...what was that back there?" asked Moon. 

"I-I'm not sure what you're talking about," Peril stuttered. Moon chuckled and grinned at Peril. 

"It sure didn't look like nothing," Moon smirked. 

"Look, it's just Clay doesn't want me to act as his servant," Peril frowned. "But that's the only way I know how to show my love! I mean, I loved Scarlet like she was my own mother, and I treated her like she was my master. I was taught to treat the people I love like they're my master," Peril sighed. "So, now I'm trying this thing where I sort of defy Clay's request. If things get out of hand Clay would tell me." 

Moon nodded and smiled. "You guys are cute," she smirked. Peril blushed and smiled brightly. 

"You really think so?" Peril beamed. Moon nodded. They walked in silence until they reached Qibli's cave. "It was nice to see you for a change. Winter, however...ugh. The last time I saw him was eight days ago, and I did not enjoy it," Peril shivered. 

"Wait, Winter was here?" Moon frowned. Peril nodded. 

"Just about the time when you came to see your daughter," she replied. Moon looked at Peril unsurely then walked inside the sleeping cave. When she did she saw that Qibli wasn't here yet. But she did see that there was a note on the bed. Moon walked over to it and picked it up. 

Dear Sand Snorter, 

Qibli, you are to meet me at the peak of the Great Ice Cliff in five days. If you don't come, then Queen Thorn, Moon, Turtle, Kinkajou, along with anyone else you care about will start turning up dead. You have five days. Consider these days as your last. 

Moon gasped and dropped the note on the floor. Who would write such a thing? Wait...I know who will, she thought bitterly. The one dragon I hate the most. Winter. Maybe that's why Qibli kept on wearing his Skyfire. It's no! 

"Moon, what is it?" Peril wondered. 

"We need to get the Outclaws!" Moon cried, running away from Peril. As she ran, she ran into Alaska. 

"Mom! Just the dragon I was looking for!" Alaska said. 

"Not now, sweetie, I have to go save someone," Moon replied. 

"But-" Moon didn't have a chance to hear the last part of Alaska's sentence because by then, Moon was already in the air and flying as fast as she could. Suddenly she heard wingbeats behind her. Moon looked behind her and saw Peril with Clay and Sunny. It took about an hour to get to the SandWing kingdom, and when they did, Sunny told Queen Thorn anything. Queen Thorn ordered some troops to go to the Great Ice Cliff and ordered Peril, Sunny, Clay, and Moon to stay behind. Don't worry Qibli...they're coming. They're coming. 

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