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Moon followed Qibli through almost every crack and cave in Jade Mountain. It felt like an eternity before they reached the most beautiful spot in the mountain. More beautiful than the other underground lake. Moon gasped in surprise when she saw the gorgeous cave. Qibli smiled then jumped into the water. 

"Qibli!" Moon shouted, her eyes widened in fear. Qibli resurfaced and smiled playfully. "Don't do that to me," growled Moon. Qibli laughed and floated on his back. 

"C'mon, Moon. Enjoy the water," Qibli breathed. Moon looked down hesitantly but jumped in, screaming. The coldness of the water seeped into Moon's scales, and a chill ran down her back. When she resurfaced, she fond Qibli gazing at her with his eyes full of admiration. 

"What?" Moon asked, blushing. 

"Nothing," Qibli said. "You just look gorgeous," he whispered, giving her a side smile. Moon didn't know how hard she could blush until now.  

Moon looked around the gave and gawked at its beauty. The cave itself was jaggedy, but it had a large hole at the top where the sun poured in. It was also the entrance to the cave. But the was like a thousand crystals of different types of blue gathered together to form an amazing masterpiece. "Will you just look at this cave?" Moon breathed. "It's magnificent." 

"That's why I picked it," Qibli grinned. Moon smiled then splashed Qibli, causing him to lose his balance. 

"How do you do that?" wondered Moon. 

"You take a deep breath and hold it," Qibli said, floating again. "Oh! Don't forget to relax," Qibli instructed. Moon nodded then started to float. She smiled once she got that hang of floating. "You're doing it," Qibli beamed. Moon turned her head in Qibli's direction and noticed that Qibli had his Skyfire on. He looked down and smiled sheepishly. "Uh..." he trailed off. 

"It's fine, Qibli," Moon whispered. "If you want to tell me what's on your mind, then tell me. But if you don't..." she trailed off. Qibli smiled and took off his Skyfire. 

I love you, Moonwatcher. I love you more than anything, Qibli thought. 

"I love you too, Qibli," beamed Moon. Qibli placed his Skyfire on then looked up. They laid there for a few minutes until Moon pounced on Qibli. She pressed her snout against his, and he did the same. When they pulled away, they swam back to the surface. 

"I never kissed anyone underwater before," Qibli grinned. 

"There's a first time for everything," Moon purred. 

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