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"She wants to what?" questioned Qibli. Moon and Qibli were in his sleeping cave talking about their day. Qibli told Moon that he went to talk to Gobi but he didn't tell her that he went to go to Possibility to get some weapons. It was now nine o'clock at night and Qibli just found Moon pacing, waiting for Qibli to show up. When he walked into his sleeping cave, she immediately jumped into the conversation. 

"She wants to meet you," Moon said. 

"Really? Wow, that fast? Are you sure she doesn't want to kill me?" Qibli laughed. But he was actually wondering that. How far will Winter go? Will he really drag his own daughter into this mess? Moon chuckled, her voice like a melody to Qibli's ears. 

"No. She just wants to meet the guy who saved me," Moon beamed. 

"Like a superhero? Because I can be Super Qibli! Hey, it's kind of catchy. I am now Super Qibli, defender of everyone I love!" Qibli grinned. Moon giggled then walked over to the bed. Every time she did that, Qibli felt a strange but normal feeling. He felt like sleeping next to Moon was where he was supposed to be. He felt like twining his tail with Moon's tail was the place where his tail should be. Qibli shook his head then followed Moon to bed. 

"When can I meet her? Oh! Can I bring Gobi with me? I would like it for Gobi to meet someone her age," Qibli asked. 

Moon nodded then faced Qibli. "Gobi's not making friends?" Moon wondered. 

"She is. But they're like our age...and I don't trust them," growled Qibli. Moon smiled sympathetically and twined her tail with his. 

"Sure," Moon smiled. She scooted closer to Qibli and settle down in a small crook that his body made. It was almost as if his and her body were connected and meant to be togther. "Good night, Qibli," she yawned. 

"Good night, Moon," Qibli whispered, kissing her gently. Moon shivered with pleasure then started to fall asleep. Within fifteen minutes, her breath started to become even and Qibli started breathing at the same time she was breathing. 

What will I do if Winter gets past me? What will he do to Moon? What will Moon do? What do I have to sacrifice to make sure of her safety? 

------------------The Next Day-----------------

Gobi shifted uncomfortably next to Qibli as they waited in the corridor for Alaska and Moon. Qibli sideways glanced at Gobi with an amused expression. "Why are you so nervous?" Qibli asked. 

"Well, one, I'm being forced to meet this girl that I NEVER heard of, and two because I was supposed to meet someone important," Gobi growled. Qibli looked at Gobi strangely then looked straight. "What?" Gobi asked exasperatingly. 

"Nothing," replied Qibli. 

"Ugh. C'mon, Dad. Don't pull that on me. It didn't work for Mom and won't work for me," Gobi sighed. 

"It's just...who is this REALLY important dragon?" Qibli asked. 

"If you MUST know then he-uh-SHE! She's a she," Gobi said, trying to cover up what she said. "She is a fffrrreeeiinnnddd of mine..." Gobi whispered, gritting her teeth. Qibli raised his eye ridge, amused at his daughter's reaction. 

"Someone has a crush on "her"," Qibli grinned. Gobi looked up then looked at her father with a confused look on her face. 

"Wait...you aren't mad at me? Or worried about the age of him?" Gobi gasped. 

"No. No, I'm not. However, I would like to know his age," Qibli smirked. 

"He's six," beamed Gobi. "And he's REALLY handsome," she swooned. Qibli laughed and shook his head. 

"I'm such a strange dad," Qibli muttered. 

"You think? Normal dads are supposed to be being overprotective! Not letting their daughters' date!" she chuckled. Qibli playfully pushed Gobi with his wing. Gobi shoved him back and Qibli shoved her back. 

They continued shoving each other until they heard a voice say, "what are you doing?" Qibli looked up and the first thing he saw were those eyes. Those dreadful eyes that Winter passed down to his daughter stared right into Qibli's black ones. Qibli examined the dragonet before him. The tip of her snout was light blue but then the blue scales faded into black ones. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that the bottom of her talons were light blue too but then faded into black. Her tail did the same. Her underbelly was pearl blue but the only thing that Qibli kept focusing on were her eyes. 

"Horsing around, don't you do that at your house?" Gobi wondered. Even though she meant no harm, Alaska thought otherwise. 

She straightened her back and lifted her nose. She looked down at Gobi and snarled. "No. No, we do not. Do you know why? Because my family is civil. Is yours?" Alaska hissed. Gobi didn't shrink back, instead, she just laughed and shook her head. 

"I can already tell that we are going to be the best of friends," Gobi smirked. 

"I will NOT be your friend. I'm only here to meet your father," Alaska growled. 

Gobi looked at Alaska strangely. "Wow. Okay, I'm going to need to teach you about using more modern words. Like dad. Not Father." 

Alaska looked flustered then her face turned red. "I already said I don't want anything to do with you. And I can use whichever words I want!" Alaska spat.

"Aw, you adore me already," Gobi grinned. Wow, is that how I talked Winter? Yes. I should be ashamed. But I'm not. 

"I do NOT adore you, hybrid," Alaska snarled. 

"Alaska!" Moon hissed. Alaska didn't apologize, instead she gazed into Moon's eyes. It was almost as if they were having a conversation. That was when Qibli saw Alaska's teardrop scale. They are having a conversation. Cool. 

"Sorry," muttered Alaska. 

Gobi shrugged it off. "It's fine. But I'm only a THIRD of a hybrid," Gobi smiled. They stood there awkwardly. Qibli turned to Alaska and took out his talon. 

"Nice to meet you, Alaska," Qibli greeted. Alaska took his talon and shook it uneagerly. "I've heard so much about you, all good things." Alaska smiled weakly. 

"Nice to meet you too, Qibli,"  Alaska said. 

"Alaska, why don't you go hang out with Gobi?" whispered Moon. Alaska sighed and walked up to Gobi with a scowl. Gobi grinned then shoved her wing playfully. Alaska gave Gobi a death glare then followed her to the Prey Center. 

"So," Moon started. "That went well..." 

"Yes, nothing is better than watching in the third point of view how I treated Winter," Qibli laughed. Moon smiled weakly then looked at the floor. Moons. What was I thinking? Mentioning Winter's name. You are such a camel brain! Qibli twined his tail with Moon's and gazed into her gorgeous green eyes. "Follow me." 

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