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After hearing that Winter took Moon, Qibli decided to gather up the Jade Winglet, er, FORMER Jade Winglet, and find her. But he had to wait a few days before he could begin his journey to find Moon. To be clear, he WASN'T happy about it. In fact, Qibli was infuriated that he had to wait three days to begin his quest. "I have to what?!" he raged at Queen Thorn. "Sorry, my Queen. But my girlfriend just got kidnapped by her ex-partner and is probably being taken advantage of right now as we speak, and you're telling me that I have to wait a few days before I go find her?" Qibli raged. Queen Thorn looked guilty. She looked SO guilty. Well, she should be! Moon is in trouble, and what are we doing? We're sitting around while she's being beaten and raped by Winter! 

"I'm sorry, Qibli," Thorn sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I really wish there was something I could do, but your health is my priority." 

"Who cares about me!" Qibli burst. His anger was clearly shown in his eyes.

"A lot of dragons care about you, Qibli," Sunny said, frowning. 

"Well, I don't care!" snapped Qibli. He spun around on his heel and glared at the dragons before him. Clay and Sunny looked at Qibli with a helpless expression. While Peril looked at Qibli with a determined face. 

"I agree with Qibli," Peril peeped. "Moon is my friend too, and to think about her being abused is like thinking about Clay dying. Uh, not that I think about Clay dying or about anyone dying! Because I don't! I don't think "I wonder if Clay died" or "I wonder if I pushed Sunny off a cliff". Nope! TOTALLY don't do that. No sir ye! I'm definitely a girl who is murder-free!" Peril ranted. The guards and everyone in the room gave Peril a confused look. Peril cleared her throat and chuckled nervously. "Um...the point is, I want to help Moon..." Peril trailed off. "Please don't arrest me..."

Qibli gave Peril a side smile and Peril smiled weakly. Qibli turned to Queen Thorn and gazed into her black eyes. He saw that she was torn between helping her most loyal guard out of all of the other guards and helping his girlfriend. She sighed and shook her head. "Moon can wait three days," Thorn sighed. 

"Ugh!" Qibli stormed off into the hallway and didn't reappear until his three days were up. So, now he was on his way back to Jade Mountain with Peril by his side. While he was "resting", Clay and Sunny had to return back to school, but thankfully Peril offered to stay with Qibli. Peril tried to match the speed of Qibli but he could tell that she was itching to go faster. Probably dying to see Clay, Qibli thought with a hint of amusement. When they landed, Peril disappeared into the hallways and Qibli decided to go find Turtle and Kinkajou. 

He searched and scanned every hall he could find until he reached the art room. When he reached it, he found Turtle and Kinkajou in the middle of making out. "Gross guys," Qibli gagged. Kinkajou pulled away and beamed when she saw his face. 

"QIBLI!" Kinkajou bubbled. "You're alive!" She gave him a hug and Turtle walked over to Qibli and also hugged him. Qibli pulled away and shook his head. 

"What's wrong? Where's Moon?" Turtle wondered. 

"She's in big trouble...and I need your help..." Qibli trailed off. Kinkajou and Turtle looked at each other with worried glances. 

"You, Moon, and Winter are like a magnet for trouble and drama!" Kinkajou groaned, smacking her snout with her talon. 

"I know right," Qibli laughed. "But before we go help her, I need to borrow Sunny's dream visitor and Turtle...we may need you to use your Animus Magic," he warned. Turtle nodded. 

"Anything to help Moon," Turtle said. 

"Ahem, what about me? I'm part of the Jade Winglet too, you know," Peril's voice said, interrupting them. Turtle's snout lit up when he saw her and he hugged her. Peril wiggled uncomfortably but patted his back. "It's still weird to have someone touch me besides Clay," Peril said sheepishly. 

"Peril...if things start to become heated...will you...?" Qibli trailed off. Peril nodded and let out a growl. 

"Winter has it coming," Peril growled. 

"What about ME!" Kinkajou badgered. "I'M the one with the VENOM!" Qibli let out a small chuckle and nodded. 

"Okay, you can use your venom," he smiled. 

"YES!" Kinkajou cheered. Get ready Winter, we're coming for you...

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