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Qibli saw her on the beach, her body so limp that it looked dead. His heart stopped the moment he saw her body on the beach. Peril gave him a side glance then landed on the beach. Kinkajou landed next to Peril but raced over to Moon the moment she touched the sand. Turtle raced over to Kinkajou's side and placed his ear on Moon's chest. Turtle looked at Qibli when he landed and said, "she's alive." 

"At least there's that," Peril muttered. 

"Where's Winter?" hissed Qibli. His eyes were full of hatred. How could Winter do such a thing? How could he do this to his wife. 

"How would we know, genius? Weren't you the one Moon gave the instructions too?" Peril snapped. 

"Hey, he just saw what Winter did to Moon yesterday," Kinkajou growled. 

"You don't think I know that, Pinapplebrain! I do! I was the other witness that saw it!" cried Peril. She started to pace the beach, Qibli looked at her and saw something he hadn't seen in a while. Peril feeling helpless. 

"Kinkajou is not a Pinapplebrain, Peril," Turtle frowned. 

"Ugh! I'm going to find Winter. Maybe if I burn the forest then he'll come out," Peril muttered. Turtle let out a small chuckle then started to rub his healing rock over Moon's bruises and cuts. 

"I'm going to go find him-" 

"H-he's dead," Moon rasped. The moment Moon fluttered her eyes open, Qibli raced over to her. His black eyes stared deep into her green ones. 

"What?" Qibli whispered. 

Moon looked at him with tired eyes and pulled Qibli closer to her. She pressed her snout against his. It surprised Qibli as much as it surprised Kinkajou, Turtle, and Peril but he liked it. He found it reassuring that she was strong enough to kiss him. When she pulled away, she sighed and curled into a ball. "I killed him. Winter is dead." Soft tears escaped her eyes and Qibli wiped them off her snout. 

Qibli turned to see the reaction of the others. Turtle was stoned-faced, Kinkajou had quiet tears escaping her eyes, and Peril's eyes widened with shock but she was distraught. He turned back to Moon and hugged her. "You're safe now," Qibli murmured. 

"Q-Qibli there is something you should know..." she trailed off. 

"Yes?" he breathed. 

"He's sorry..." Moon whispered. Qibli frowned, Winter was sorry, he thought. That doesn't make what he did okay. "I-I k-know." 

Qibli placed Moon on his back nudged her gently. "Go to sleep. You need to rest," he whispered. Moon nodded weakly then closed her eyes. Qibli turned to Peril, Turtle, and Kinkajou. "Let's go home," Qibli ordered. 

Turtle nodded and took off into the sky with Kinkajou at his trail. "So...we aren't going to kill anybody?" Peril clarified. Turtle gave her a confused look and Peril shrugged carelessly. "What? It's not like I wanted to kill anybody." 

"She did," Moon whispered. 

"Shut up, Moon. Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Peril growled. 

"I'm not tired," Moon murmured. 

"Sure you're not. You're just yawning because you want to," Qibli said, smirking. Moon whacked him with her wing and chuckled tiredly. 

"Shut up," Moon yawned. "Okay...maybe I am a little tired." 

"That's what I thought," Qibli smirked. The flight back home was a little quiet. Well, it was quiet for Moon and Qibli but for Peril and Turtle, it was like a reunion. Even though they saw each other every day, Peril had to tell him about Glory and Deathbringer's dragonet. She HAD to tell him that Tsunami and Riptide were another having a dragonet. 

"Oh! Also, I'm having a dragonet too," Peril said nonchalantly. 

"You are what?!" Turtle exclaimed. Peril blushed and nodded. "How come you didn't tell me?!" Turtle asked. 

"Because you didn't ask," Peril stated. "Also because I wanted to tell Clay first, but since we are going on this adventure, I had to postpone telling him. And it's starting to show now so I had to tell someone," Peril beamed. 

"Kinkajou and I are thinking about having another dragonet," Turtle replied. Kinkajou turned pink and blush started to appear on her scales. 

"Turtle and Kinkajou are going to have a dragonet," Moon whispered. It was so low that only Qibli heard it. Qibli let out a small laugh and continued to fly. As they flew and talked, Qibli wished that life had turned out this easy. He wished that Winter was here to make some rude but funny joke. He missed the adventure with his whole Winglet. Now, all those adventures will forever be memories. 

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