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Moon walked out of the chamber where Qibli was healing and walked all the way to the small room where she and Alaska were staying. Alaska paced impatiently, her blue eyes staring at the floor. She walked over to Alaska and placed her wing on her. "It's so hot!" Alaska muttered. "I miss the cold..."

"I, for one, think that this feels like home," Moon said, smiling slightly. Alaska snapped her head in Moon's direction and gave her a death glare.

"That's because you're sleeping with one of the warmest dragons in Pyrrhia," barked Alaska. Moon flinched and took her wing of Alaska. I think it's best if I give her some space, Moon thought.

You think, Alaska thought angrily. I don't know how I didn't see this coming! I mean, I had a dream that you two split up, but I didn't know it was because Father hit you! And I most certainly didn't see that you and Qibli would get together. Yes, I know you two were the power couple besides Cleril and Glorybringer, but still!

"I know. This is hard to process," whispered Moon.

"Mother! It's more than hard! It's impossible! A dragonet shouldn't have to think about this stuff!" Alaska cried. Moon sighed, and sat on the warm floor next to her daughter, and smiled at her. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I just never thought I would have to hear this..."

"Neither did I," a horrifying voice said. Moon's and Alaska's bodies stiffened. Moon turned her head slowly in the direction of the terrifying voice, her eyes full of dread. When her eyes met his blood-curdling ones, Moon was petrified. She couldn't move any part of her body. She didn't want it to be real. She just wanted that voice to be apart of her head. She wanted her brain to messing with her, but the smirk that he gave her told Moon that he was real That he was here. Alaska let out a small whimper and shrank back in fear.

Winter whipped his head in Alaska's direction and gave her a toothy smile. "Sweetie," Winter bubbled. "It's been what? Two weeks? I missed you," Winter said. He walked over to Alaska and pulled her into a hug. She tried to wiggle free, but Winter didn't let her go.

"F-Father," Alaska rasped, trying to breathe. Moon stood up in fear that Winter would squeeze the life out of her daughter. "P-Please, F-Father! I-I can't b-breathe!" pled Alaska.

"Winter! Let her go!" Moon cried. She ran over to them and tried to pull Winter off Alaska. But Winter didn't loosen his grip on his daughter.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Alaska," Winter said, whispering into Alaska's ear. "I expected you to disapprove of your Mother's recent behavior. But to find out that you went along with it. I should punish you..." Winter growled.

"F-f-father..." Alaska gasped. Her eyes were slowly going to the back of her head. M-mother...I l-love y-you. I'm s-so sorry for f-fighting with you. I d-didn't mean to.

"Winter! Please! She's dying!" Moon sobbed.

"But seeing as your mother is screaming to keep you alive..." Winter paused. He smirked at Moon then dropped Alaska. Moon ran over to her and watched as Alaska gasped for breath. "Moon, lovely to see you as always," Winter smiled.

"You're a monster!" Moon yelled, holding Alaska's head up. Winter rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Moon. We're going home," Winter ordered. She shook her head rapidly.


Winter paused and looked at Moon with an amused face. "No?" he repeated.

"No. I'm happy here. I'm happy with Qibli," she said. Winter chuckled and shook his head.

"Is that so? Well then, I should give you Qibli, shouldn't I?" Winter smirked. It wasn't until it was too late, did Moon realize that Winter and one talon behind his back. When he moved it to face her, Moon let out a long, loud, and heartbreaking scream. In Winter's talons was Qibli's decapitated head. Winter grinned in Moon's sudden burst of agony and dropped the head on the floor.

"No! No! It's n-not real!" Moon sobbed, crawling over to the head. She picked it up and started to inspect it. "No! I was just with him!" she wailed.

"If that's not Qibli, then why don't you ask Alaska to go check on him?" Winter crackled. Moon turned her head in Alaska's direction and gave her a distressed look. Go find Qibli and while you do that, alert a guard, Moon thought.

But- Alaska thought.

Go now! Before it's too late, Moon thought. Alaska nodded and scurried off into the direction of Qibli's chambers. It was just her and Winter now. Just Moonwatcher and the horrible Winter. She looked up at him with teary eyes. Winter walked over to Moon and raised her chin with his talon.

"Come along, Darling. We a have a family to remake," Winter cooed. Moon shook head fiercely, trying to get his talons off her snout, but Winter wouldn't budge.

"Why would I do that?" she snapped.

Winter smirked and leaned down so that his breath was against her neck, "Because if you don't then our daughter would have to pay the price. Which would be joining Qibli in the afterlife." Moon let out another cry of agony. "You got five seconds to decide. One." Should I go? If I don't then he'll kill Alaska. "Two." But he wouldn't. She's his daughter! Only a crazy dragon would kill their daughter! "Three." Unless...unless...unless he knows... "Four." I have to do it. "Fiv-"

"Wait! I'll go..." Moon whispered. Winter let her go and smiled.

"That's my girl," Winter beamed. "Come along now. We have a big day ahead of us." Moon looked behind her and sighed. Goodbye Alaska, I love you. I can't wait to see you again, Qibli. We will be reunited again, Qibli. We will.

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