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Qibli tapped the edge of Moon's eye with some water, the whole time she was wincing. He frowned and gritted his teeth, how could Winter do such a thing? Qibli so badly wanted to go over to him and attack him! Kill him, even! He wanted to ram him into a wall and watch as the light from his eyes faded away. "You don't mean that," Moon whispered. Qibli looked at her and frowned harder. "He's still your best friend..."

"No. No, he's not," Qibli grumbled. It was midnight at Jade Mountain and everyone was asleep. It would've been the perfect time to talk to Moon if he wasn't so filled with rage about Winter hitting her. "You stop becoming my friend if you hit my other friends," Qibli growled. Moon didn't answer, she just looked everywhere except at him. Awkward, he thought, still cleaning Moon's wounds.

"I know it is...and I'm sorry," Moon sighed. Qibli's whole snout was so red that he could easily be mistaken for a SkyWing. "I shouldn't have come here," she muttered. Qibli shook his head and pulled her closer to his chest.

"No, I'm sorry. You are always welcome here," he murmured. Moon nodded and scooted closer to him. They laid there in comfortable silence, but Moon's tears broke that silence. "It's okay, Moon. You're safe now," Qibli said in her ear. "You're safe..."

"W-Why are y-you helping m-me?" Moon sobbed. Qibli chuckled quietly, still embarrassing her with his warmth.

"Because I still love you, ya know," Qibli purred. Moon looked up and Qibli gave her a cheeky grin. She rolled her eyes playfully and kissed his cheek. "Moon...close your eyes," he breathed. She did as she was told and waited for what was about to happen nervously. Slowly, Qibli reached down placed her talon in his. Moon's eyes fluttered open but Qibli shook his head. "Close," he ordered softly.

Moon sighed and closed her eyes. Qibli leaned down until his breath was against her scales. He waited for her permission. Moon leaned closer an inch and Qibli took that as a sign to swoop in. Suddenly Qibli pressed his snout against hers and Moon did the same. They stayed like that for as long as they could. As they kissed, Qibli felt a wave of content and happiness. When they pulled away, Qibli saw that Moon felt the same way.

"I haven't been kissed like that since the night Alaska was...well...you know," Moon breathed, smiling. To his surprise, Qibli laughed and twined his tail with hers.

"I bet I'm better at kissing than Winter," Qibli grinned. Moon rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Oh definitely," Moon smirked. They stared at each other for a bit then walked over to the small little bed. They laid down and Qibli wrapped his wings around Moon to make her warmer. "I haven't felt this warm in a LONG time," Moon moaned. Qibli laughed again but brought her closer to his chest.

Once things started to calm down, Qibli said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"No," Moon said honestly, "but I will be."

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