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5 Years Later

"Hey, Winter? Do you know where Alaska's pouch is?" Moon called as she was searching her daughter's sleeping cave. Moon couldn't believe how messy it was. Didn't she tell Alaska time and time again to clean her cave? Moon knew that this would happen one day, she just didn't know that Alaska would lose her stuff on the day of her first day of school. 

"No, did she lose it?" Winter yelled from the kitchen. 

"Would I be asking you if she didn't?" Moon hissed. Winter didn't say anything, she just heard some grumbling. Moon ignored his grumbles and continued to search the sleeping cave. As she searched the chaotic cave, Moon felt the chill of the ice on her forearms. She winced at the sudden coldness. Sometimes Moon wondered how could she ever sleep next to a freezing cold IceWing and sleep on an ice bed at the same time. "AH!" she exclaimed happily as she took out the pouch. 

A split second later, Winter came slipping into Alaska's sleeping cave with narrowed eyes, and his teeth bared. "What's wrong?" Winter asked, a low growl escaping his throat. Moon chuckled walked over to her husband. Winter eyes still darted around the cave, like daggers when Moon brushed her wing against his. 

"Nothing's wrong," Moon whispered. "I was just happy to find Alaska's pouch," she said. Winter's tensed torso softened but she could still feel his legs tense. What's wrong with him? He can clearly see that no one is here. So...why is he so tense, Moon thought.  

"Alright," Winter said, frowning. 

"Hey, I'm going to go to Jade Mountain to drop off Alaska's pouch," Moon said, looking at Winter with hopeful eyes. Ever since Winter had a dream that she was cheating on him with someone, he never let her go anywhere. So, Alaska leaving her pouch on "accident" was the perfect excuse to leave and stretch her wings. But Moon still didn't understand why he didn't let her leave the house. Moon wasn't the type of dragon to cheat on someone. 

Winter eyed her suspiciously and Moon felt the chill of the room creep up on her. Why doesn't he trust me? Why can't she see that I would never cheat on him, Moon thought.  "Please, Winter. Let me go. Do you want me to sing "When will my life begin?" Will that make it better?" Moon asked. 

"How will I know that you aren't going to sneak off to talk to Qibli?" growled Winter. Moon backed away from him, shocked to hear this sentence come out of his mouth. 

"What does Qibli have to do with any of this?" Moon hissed. Winter scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Winter. What does Qibli have to do with this?" she demanded. 

"If you were going to cheat on me, I'm certain it would be with Qibli," Winter barked. This time it was Moon's turn to scoff. 

"How DARE you think I'm going to cheat on you! I get it, your dream freaked the moons out of you but that doesn't mean you get to dictate where I go and what I do or who I see," Moon yelled. Winter just glared at her. 

"I can tell you what to do and who you see when our marriage could be on the line!" Winter shouted. "Moons, Moonwatcher! Sometimes I don't understand you!" 

"I don't understand you!" Moon cried. "One day you're sweet, noble,  and kind, and then next you're yelling and angry at me...for no reason!" Winter didn't look at anything else but her. Moon had enough. Forget Winter's idiotic rules. I'm going to go to Jade Mountain and nothing is going to stop me. "I'm going. And I'll be back when I want to come back," Moon hissed. With that, Moon turned around and left the house, ignoring Winter's deadly stare. 

He's going to follow me, Moon thought. Let him. Prove to him that you're not cheating on him. Prove him wrong. At least you get to see your daughter again...

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