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They landed and walked into the palace like it was their home. Kinkajou looked so excited to see an actual castle, even if it was under these circumstances. Qibli walked up to Queen Thorn, his eyes apologetic. "Queen Thorn? I'm sorry for how I behaved three days ago," Qibli whispered. Queen Thorn walked over to Qibli and pulled him closer to her. 

"Qibli, you don't have to apologize about anything," Thorn sighed. "I'm sorry for not showing you how much Moonwatcher means to me. If she is important to you, then she's important to me." 

"Thanks, Mom, er, Queen Thorn," Qibli stammered. Thorn smiled and bumped his wing with hers. 

"You can call me Mom, camel fur," Thorn smirked. Qibli rolled his eyes but felt happy with Thorn's new choice of words. "Now...what do you want? Because you wouldn't just stop here to say sorry before you go save your girlfriend," Thorn observed. 

"Uh, would you mind if we used the obsidian mirror?" he wondered. Thorn hesitated, then sighed. 

"Qibli...I'll let you use it, but be prepared for what you might see, okay?" Thorn said. Qibli nodded, and Thorn told some dragon to get the mirror. The dragon came back and handed Qibli the Mirror. The remainder of the Jade Winglet crowded around Qibli and waited impatiently for him to whisper the word..."Moonwatcher..." 

A black puffy cloud (Okay I forgot how the Obsidian Mirror worked. So DON'T get mad at me!) appeared in the mirror and suddenly a loud sob escaped from the mirror. Everyone looked at Qibli then at the mirror. Tears entered Qibli's eyes when he saw Moon on the floor, cuts and bruises everywhere. Her gorgeous green eyes filled with unexplainable fear. 

"P-Please Winter!" Moon sobbed. "S-stop!" 

A blurry blue figure walked closer to Moon, and the worst voice in the world said, "Why? You didn't follow the rules, Moonwatcher. Now you have to pay." 

Moon let out another sob, suddenly Winter was on top of her. Moon let out a terrified scream, and Qibli couldn't take it anymore. "Stop!" Qibli ordered. The mirror stopped showing Moon's terrified snout and looked like a normal mirror. Enraged with anger, he whipped his body in the direction of his friends, his nostrils flared. "I'm going to KILL him." 

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