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Qibli stood there, shivering. Where was he? He said to meet him here in five days. Well, it's been five days, and there was no sign of Winter. Qibli never thought he would visit the Ice Kingdom. Mostly because it was cold and also because no one he knew, besides Winter, lived here. So, the only reason why he knew where the Great Ice Wall was, was because it was a wall. Made of Ice. 

Suddenly, he heard wing flaps and a familiar snort. "So, you did decide to show, SandWing," a familiar voice snarled. Qibli turned around and frowned. 

"Well, if someone threatens to kill everyone you love, you kinda have to show up," Qibli growled. "I gotta say, Winter, you look different," Qibli sighed. Winter snorted and rolled his dreadful eyes. Winter's shiny blue scales glittered off him, causing Qibli to be slightly blinded. Qibli saw wrinkles along Winter's body and tired eyes.

"You look exactly the same," Winter hissed. Qibli looked down, not wanting to look into his former friend's eyes.

"Let's get this over with...shall we?" Qibli growled. That's when it happened. Warmth meets Cold. Fire and Ice. Winter stuck first, his claws extended. Blood squirted out of Qibli's arm and he howled in pain.

Winter grinned and attacked. But Qibli blocked that attack and took out his Ninja Stars. He threw them at Winter, making sure that they didn't hit the main veins. "Stop this Winter!" Qibli pled. "We were friends! What happened to us?" He cried. Winter let out a low growl and prepared to pounce.

"Face it SandWing, we are not friends anymore. Moon chose me. She left you," Winter barked.

Qibli sighed and whipped off the blood on his snout. "Ok. Let's say that you do kill me. What then? It's not like Moon is going to suddenly start to love you again!"

"Oh I know she won't love me. Which is why... I'm going to force her," Winter snarled, grinning.

"And how are you going to do that? Threaten to take her freedom away? You already did that," Qibli growled.
Winter ignored good question and started to fight again. This time he aimed for Qibli's stomach. Qibli tried to block him with his tail, but it was hard to stab Winter with it. "Winter I don't want to kill you!"

"Well it's a good thing you won't live long enough to do so," Winter smirked. "And to answer your question, SandWing, I'll threaten to kill Alaska..."

Qibli paused and started at Winter with his eyes full of disgust. Winter planned on taking Moon that he'll kill his own daughter of she doesn't live him again? No! He won't stand for it! As Qibli was thinking, Winter had enough time to attack.

Qibli suddenly felt a shearing pain on his side. That's when he realized that Winter won. Qibli looked down, his eyes widening at all the blood that was pouring out of his body. Suddenly the some began to tilt. Winter's horrible snout was now two and everything around Qibli was two. .

Quickly feel to the ground, writhing in pain. Winter knelt down in front of him and whispered, "goodbye... friend."

With that, the world started to fade away. The only thing on his mind were Moon and Gobi. I love them both. I always have and always will. Even if it took five years for Moon to realize how much I loved her. Gobi, I'm so proud of her. She is growing up into a beautiful young woman. One day she will shine. She will shine so beautifully...I just wish I could be there. Moon...my sweet Moon. In will always line you. When you go to Possibility...think of me. But move on. Nile? I'll see you in heaven...

As Qibli started to drift, he heard a sweet voice. "QIBLI! DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!" the voice sobbed.

A Moonbli StoryWhere stories live. Discover now