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(Hey guys I have to say sorry for two things. One, because I haven't updated in a while. And Two, because I used h e double hockey sticks in my writing. I had no other word to use and it was the only word that matched the sentence. Anyway, carry on reading)

Moon had to talk to Alaska. She had to tell her everything. From the time she went home and found Winter drunk to the time where she's staying with Qibli for a few months. Just as Moon was about to go into her daughter's sleeping cave, she took a deep breath and said, "You can do this." 

Moon walked in and saw Alaska talking to Otter -- Kinkajou's and Turtle's dragonet. She smiled when she saw Alaska blushing about something he said. Moon didn't know if she wanted to intrude on them. But then again, what would happen if she didn't intrude? Will they start kissing? Would something happen? Oh, I wish I had Winter to help me, Moon thought desperately. After a few minutes of thinking and watching, Moon decided to intrude. What will it do? It's not like Otter is going to send me to Tsunami because I was interrupting their talk. 

Moon walked in with a forced smile on her face but just as she about to go in, she heard Alaska say something. "I'm scared, Otter," she whispered. "I'm scared that my parents are going to separate." 

"Why do you think they're going to separate?" Otter wondered. 

"Because...Father is becoming very...paranoid. A few nights ago, I saw him drinking and he kept thinking that Qibli will pay for his crimes-" 

"Wait, Qibli?" Otter interrupted. Weren't Moon, Qibli, and Winter in a love triangle? 

"Could you not interrupt me?" Alaska hissed. Moon winced, I guess she got her father's anger issues. Wait, stop thinking. "But yeah...Qibli. I never met him but I heard Mother's thoughts and...she may think that she loves my Father...but I can clearly see in her thoughts that she loves Qibli more. I love my father...but my mom has been through some hell with him. He yells at her like there's no tomorrow and he doesn't let her leave the house. Which was one of the reasons why I was so surprised to see her yesterday," Alaska whispered. 

Tears started to stream down Moon's snout, that wasn't the first time Winter got drunk? Moon didn't know what was worse. That Winter was drunk in front of Alaska or that Alaska said hell. Moon saw Otter scoot closer to her and place his wing around her. "Hey, if they do separate'll have me," Otter purred. 

Alaska, everything I am, is yours. Your family life may be very crappy but you have me. You'll get through it, Otter thought. 

"No. We'll get through it," Alaska breathed. Otter smiled and pulled her closer to him. Alaska smiled then grinned. She whispered something in his ear and then bumped her snout against his. Moon turned around, her cheeks red with embarrassment and anger. She decided it would be best to leave the two of them alone. So, Moon headed to the library, her safe space. I'll tell Alaska later. And when I mean later I mean in two days. 

Moon turned around the corner and walked in. When she walked into the library, all the familiar smells and sounds entered her body. Moon beamed when she saw Starflight and Fatespeaker at the desk. It's like nothing has changed. Well, except that Winter and I are separated and that Qibli and I were in this strange relationship thing. Great. 

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