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"WAIT, WHAT?!" Kinkajou's screeched. Qibli covered his ears and so did Turtle. Kinkajou's screech echoed so much that Qibli was sure that Winter would be able to hear it. They were in Art Class, learning how to make mosaics. Which was pretty hard, if you asked Qibli. Every time Qibli went to a class, he thought, A few more classes then you'll be done with school. However, even though he, Kinkajou, Turtle, and Peril were almost done with school, Qibli still didn't want to leave Jade Mountain Acadamy. This was the place where he fell in love with Moon and where he kissed her. This was the place he truly made friends. 

"Shush!" Qibli scolded. 

Kinkajou's scales didn't change, they were the same dark red but speckles of grey entered her scales. "Moon's here?" she hissed. "How come she didn't come see me?!" 

"Kinkajou, I'm sure she's really tired after her long flight," Turtle murmured in Kinkajou's ear. He wrapped his wing around her and Kinkajou's scales turned pink in the places that Turtle touched her. 

"Yeah...but why is she sleeping in QIBLI'S sleeping cave. Isn't she married?" Kinkajou growled. Qibli's snout turned red, he didn't tell Turtle or Kinkajou that Winter was most likely out of the picture now. Now how are you going to explain why Moon stayed with you yesterday, genius? Wait...isn't my cave near the entrance? Yeah! It is! 

"She said that she came to me because my cave was closer to the entrance and she was REALLY tired," Qibli explained. Kinkajou and Turtle whipped their snouts to face me. "She, uh, also said that she wanted to talk to me yesterday but she didn't have the time because she was chasing Alaska around." 

"How do you know about Alaska?" Turtle wondered, a little suspicious. Crap. "I thought you two haven't talked to each other until...well...now," Turtle said. 

"We haven't...but uh...before she went to sleep she told me about Alaska," Qibli explained. 

"Did you tell her about Gobi?" Kinkajou peeped. Qibli shook his head and frowned. Last night they were too busy either kissing or cleaning up Moon's wounds that they didn't talk about Qibli's life so far. They didn't talk about Nile or Gobi. "Well, you should," Kinkajou frowned. Even if Qibli didn't want to admit it, he knew that Kinkajou was right. 

Qibli was too engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't see Sunny walk into the cave to teach the class about art. The whole time Qibli did his mosaic, he thought about Nile and he missed her. In fact, his mosaic was Nile's snout. The project was to make a mosaic about something or someone you loved. Qibli WAS going to do Moon but he knew that was weird so he decided to do his ex-partner. 

Sunny walked up to him and smiled weakly. She crouched down and placed her wing over Qibli's back. "She's beautiful," Sunny whispered kindly. 

"Yeah. She was," Qibli murmured, soft tears escaped his eyes. Kinkajou and Turtle wrapped their wings around him and held him tightly. After a few minutes, he cleared his throat and shook his head. It's been a year since...the accident, yes it hurt. But it's time to move on. "It's time to move on...I will always love Nile. But...it's time to pick myself off the ground. She would want me to move on." 

Sunny nodded then walked away. However, Kinkajou and Turtle never left my side. "Guys, I'm fine," Qibli laughed. Turtle nodded then walked over to his mosaic. "Kink..." Qibli warned. Kinkajou sighed but stood up. 

"Hey, Turtle, what are you doing?" he wondered. Turtle looked up and started to blush a little. 

"Um, I'm doing a mosaic of one of my characters from my story," Turtle said. 


"What?! You aren't doing me?!" Kinkajou said, her scales turning dark red. But Qibli could see the way she held in her laugh. "I thought we were doing a couple thing. Because I was doing you!" Turtle's eyes widened in fear and he shook his head. 

"I-I could always change -- oh. You were joking," Turtle said, frowning. Kinkajou burst into laughter and rolled on the ground. Qibli started to laugh a bit and continued to do his work. "Very funny, Kinkajou," Turtle grumbled. 

As Qibli did his work, he felt someone tap on his shoulder. Qibli looked up and saw Tsunami with a frown on her snout. "Hello, Tsunami," he greeted. 

"Qibli, you need to come with me. There's been a report that your room has been trashed," Tsunami said. Turtle and Kinkajou stopped laughing and looked up at me with concerned eyes. 

"Guys, I bet it's nothing. You keep doing your work. It's probably just some younger dragonets just messing around," Qibli said. 

"Alright," Turtle said, uncertain. "Hey, sis." 

"Hey, Turtle," Tsunami called. Tsunami and Qibli left the classroom and went to go to his sleeping cave. The walk over there was pretty awkward but Qibli didn't mind. He suffered worst. Tsunami stopped at the front of his sleeping cave and Qibli walked in. 

"Thanks, Tsunami," Qibli thanked. 

"Yeah, yeah," Tsunami grumbled. Qibli sighed then walked in. When he did, he gasped. His room was more than messy. It was completely trashed. All his papers were either ripped or burnt and so were his books. Qibli's sand bed was gone and little bits of sand was all over the floor. The scroll rack fell over and bits of pieces were everywhere. But the only thing that wasn't broken was a small nightstand. And on that nightstand held a note. Qibli walked over to it and picked it up. 

Dear Sand Snorter, 

Qibli, you are to meet me at the peak of the Great Ice Cliff in five days. If you don't come, then Queen Thorn, Moon, Turtle, Kinkajou, along with anyone else you care about will start turning up dead. You have five days. Consider these days as your last. 

Qibli's eyes widened. This note was bad. But it wasn't as bad as the dragon who wrote it. There was only one dragon who called me Sand Snorter on a daily basis. Winter. And he was ready to kill me. 

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