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A Few Months Later

Moonwatcher's POV

"Mom! Where is my pouch?!" Alaska called. I set down my book and walked over to Alaska's room, and watched as Alaska looked around frantically. I smiled as I watched my daughter look for her pouch. Alaska felt my eyes on her and turned around. "Moooommmmm! Why are you just standing there?" she whined.

"Well, I told you to clean your room, did you do that? No. So now you have to pay the price," I smirked.

"Aw, give the poor girl a break," a calming voice said from the doorway. I turned my head and smiled at the handsome dragon leaning against the hallway. Qibli's black eyes were full of amusement as he watched Alaska scurry around her room.

"Yes! I agree with Qibli! Give the poor girl -- ME -- a break!" Alaska groaned. She whipped her head in the direction of the left corner of the room and scowled at it. "Can YOU help me, at least?" Alaska frowned.

"I would...but this is much more fun to watch this," Gobi grinned.

"I hate you all," Alaska grumbled. I walked over to Qibli and wrapped my wings around him. Alaska looked under the bed then screamed happily. "YES! I found it! Okay, c'mon useless, we've got to go to school," Alaska smirked.

"Alaska!" I frowned. Alaska sighed and turned to Gobi who was now smirking.

"Sorry. I meant to say, evil stepsister," Alaska grinned.

"I don't know if that's better or if that's worse," Gobi joked.

"It's worse. It's so much worse," Alaska laughed. Gobi smacked Alaska with her wing then walked out of the house. "Bye, Mom!" Alaska called before she left. When she left, I turned to face Qibli and smirked.

"We're alone," I grinned.

"It would seem so," Qibli smiled. I leaned forward and so did Qibli, just as we were about to kiss, I pulled away and walked over to the kitchen.

"So, what do you want to eat?" I laughed. Qibli laughed with me and before I knew it, Qibli was kissing me. "Or we could do that," I beamed.

"I love you, Moonwatcher," Qibli purred. "It took a lot to get here, but, now we're married and have a family. We're finally here, Moon. We're finally here," Qibli whispered.

"Yes. Yes, we are," I said, soft tears escaping my eyes. "I love you so much, Qibli," I beamed. Qibli leaned closer to me and I did too. Qibli pressed his snout against mine and kissed me passionately. "I love you."

"I love you."

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