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Flashback *A few hours ago* 

Moon didn't know what it was but everywhere she went, she felt cold. Maybe it was because she could feel Winter's eyes on her back as she walked. But as she walked down the hallway to Qibli's sleeping cave, she felt a cold shiver run down her back. Did she feel this because she knows that she's betraying Winter by talking to the one dragon that he didn't want her to talk to? Or did she feel this way because she felt excited to see Qibli. 

Before she went to find Qibli's sleeping cave, she scanned through everyone's mind to see if anyone knew where Qibli slept. Thankfully this one boy knew where Qibli's sleeping cave was. So, now Moon was in front of his sleeping cave, debating whether or not to go in. Winter would hate me for talking to him, Moon thought. But...Qibli is my friend. I have the right to see him. 

Just as Moon was about to knock, Qibli came rushing out of the sleeping cave. The two dragons almost toppled over each other but Qibli backed away when he saw her. The action kind of hurt her but Moon knew that Qibli was fast in his reflexes, it was only second nature for him to avoid falls. Moon looked at Qibli and smiled. Qibli just stared at her. He stared at her like she was a ghost or something that he hasn't seen in thousands of years. 

"Hey..." Moon started. He stared. "I'm sorry..." Moon said. He stared. "I don't know why I'm apologizing..." Moon muttered. He stared. "Maybe it's because I feel sorry for not being in contact more..." Moon whispered. He stared. "Qibli..." Moon said, her eyes pleading. He stared. "Say something..." Moon begged. He stared. Suddenly, Qibli pulled her into a hug. "Oh." 

"I've missed you," whispered Qibli. Moon took a deep breath in, trying to breathe in his scent. Moon wanted to remember this for forever. She wanted to remember his scent. Silent tears escaped from her eyes as she wrapped her talons around Qibli. 

"I've missed you too," she cried. Qibli didn't pull away, he just hugged her, not asking any questions. I guess he misses me as much as I miss him, Moon thought. 


The flight back home wasn't long. Just about the same as the flight to Jade Mountain. But Moon could still smell Qibli on her scales. Why did she feel guilty? It's not like she cheated on Winter. She just hugged Qibli and said she missed him. They only talked. No, they barely talked. It was more like staring. Moon shook her head, she had to get Qibli out of her head. Moon couldn't cheat on Winter. She promised she would never leave him and he did too. 

When Moon landed on the porch to her igloo home, she saw that the house was pitch black. The moonglobes were off and everything was a mess. Panic rose in her stomach. What happened? "Winter?" Moon called as she creaked the door open. There was no answer. "Honey?" Still no answer. Moon shrugged but before she came in, she tried to see if Winter was really in the house. Moon heard no minds so she walked into the house. As soon as she did, a moonglobe light turned on. She screamed and threw the closing thing she could find -- a book -- at the intruder. 

"OW!" the intruder said. "What the moons, Moon?!" he growled. Moon turned her head in the direction of the intruder and saw that it was none other than Winter. "You're so clumsy! Moons!" Winter rubbed his snout with his talon angrily but at the same time...drunkenly. Moon turned her head to the small place that he was hiding in. Her eyes widened in fear when she saw a couple of bottles of beer. Is he...Moon trailed off. She didn't want him to believe it.  

But, the way that he walked over to her made Moon feel uncomfortable. "Winter..." Moon whispered. "Are you okay?" 

Winter stared down at her and he sauntered over to her. Moon backed away from him uncomfortably. "What do you think you -- you -- you ccheeaatteerr," Winter hissed. 

"What?" Moon wondered. 

"You heard me right," Winter frowned. "I know you sneaked off to see Qibli, am I right?!" Winter slurred. Moon's eyes widened and she stared at him with shock. "ANSWER ME, MOON!" he yelled. "DID YOU DID YOU NOT SEE QIBLI?!" 

She didn't know what to say. Moon couldn't lie to her husband. "Y-yes," she murmured. Even though it was pretty dark in their small house, Moon could see the anger in Winter's eyes. She didn't know when or how it happened, but a second later, a cold talon smacked against her snout scales. Moon whimpered in pain but held back her tears. 

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Winter yelled. Moon scattered to the door, limping and trying to see if there was blood stained on her scales. When she reached the door, she paused to face him. 

"You know what, Winter?" Moon said, disgust clearly known in her tone. "I thought you were different. I guess I was wrong..." she whispered. Winter didn't move. He didn't even flinch. "And you know what else? I...I...I hate you..." 

With that, Moon turned around and slammed the door behind her. But, now, as she flew away from her home, the young dragon thought about where she would live. She couldn't live in the Rainforest because Kinkajou and Turtle don't live there. But...there was this one dragon that always had her back. So, she decided to go see him. 

When she landed, she ran over to his sleeping cave and knocked on the door, hoping he would open it. Within a flash, Qibli opened the door and the tears spilled out of her eyes. "Q-Qibli! M-Me and W-Winter h-had a f-fight...and h-he h-hit m-me Q-Qibli! H-he h-hit m-me Qibli!" Moon sobbed. 

"Shush," Qibli hushed, pulling Moon into a hug, kissing the top of her head. "Shush...come in. Come in before I fly over to him and rip his guts out," Qibli growled. Moon sobbed and buried her snout in Qibli's neck. 

"H-he h-hit m-me..." Moon whispered, sobbing. 

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