Chapter 15: Annie, a Dream, & Rabid Squirrels

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I can hear more sobs. It is Finnick's turn to take watch. I only know this because Peeta came back into the sleeping bag. I have told myself I will ignore the crying. I fit a comfortable spot on Peeta's arm.


I sit in a meadow. The grass sways back and forth. The sun will soon go down. I don't feel the same, I'm not as energized and when I stand up I feel achy. I've never experienced this pain before. I walk forward but have no idea where it might take me, but it feels right. I wear black flats with loose clothing. My hair isn't in a braid, but let down. As I walk I see homes, but no fence. Where am I? I am certainly not in District 12. I see a blonde man and small child next to him waving their hands. I look around, they must be wavy to me. I get nearer and the little girl sprints and hugs my waist.

"Mommy! Mommy! Did you bring me something?" the six-year-old child yells excitedly. My heart aches knowing I hadn't brought her anything. And that second, in my hands are bunches of daisies. I hand them to her. But I have no idea who she is. She has brown hair in two braids and blue eyes. She calls me "mommy" but nothing comes together in my mind. I don't know her.

"Why don't we all go inside and have a nice cup of hot chocolate!" says the blonde haired man with blue eyes. He swings the little girl in his arms.

"Look! Look mommy, I'm a mockingjay!" She yells as she spreads her arms out horizontally. I smile but I still am confused. The man puts her down and she sprints to the house. My house. My old house. The one my family lived in, in the Seam.

"Don't run too fast Willow!" Peeta says. The man is Peeta. It doesn't look or sound anything like the Peeta I know. The seventeen-year-old Peeta I know, doesn't have scruff on his face or defined features like this Peeta does.

"Did you say Willow?" I ask. Starring at him for too long.

"Yes? Did you fall, Katniss? Are you okay?" He looks at me with his sky blue eyes. The same eyes I've learned to love.

Willow. My baby. That's my baby. In front of me, in my dreams. Or is this a dream? I can't tell how real this is right now. I watch her as she runs to the house. I smile and feel older Peeta's arm around my waist.

I turn to look at Peeta but he's gone. I quickly look at Willow. She is gone as well but there is a little boy remains standing there. The house disappears and I find myself standing on sand by the ocean. Or what I think is the ocean. I've never been close to one to actually confirm.

The boy just stands there. He has bronze hair and blue eyes. Then a woman walks up to him. Annie. She takes his hand and makes her way over to me. I begin to panic.

"Katniss, take care of him okay." Annie tells me. And by "him" she means Finnick. "Tell him, I'm fine and he's fine." Annie holds the little boys hand. "Don't let him hurt himself, for me. I'm in a better place now."

I don't say a word. I nod respectfully. Then Annie smiles with her eyes and turns. She starts to walk down the beach holding hands with the boy. He turns around and waves to me. I don't know whether I should wave back. But it's too late they have walked all the way into the bright light head. I feel as though I should follow them... 


I wake up. I'm sweating, and my cheeks are wet. I turn to Peeta, he is sound asleep. I don't feel like talking to him right now anyways. Even though he stirs I leave him there to fight the nightmares or whatever is bothering him. I unzip myself from the overly heated sleeping bag. I wipe down Peeta's arm. My tears had been streaming down his arm. My eyes are now puffy and swollen.

That has been one of my strangest dreams. It was nice yet scary for me. It hurts me badly. Annie. Was she bearing a child as well? Is that why Finnick is so disturbed? Or is it my mind making random connections that I shouldn't let myself even consider?

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