Chapter 24: Collapse

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I walk down the bright hallway. My cheeks stained with trails of dried tears. My body still shaking with nervousness. My right-hand fidgeting. I walk into a room that w just came out of, where Haymitch and Plutarch are sitting talking. They both turn and look at me. Haymitch sighs, Plutarch looks confused.

I begin spitting profanity at them. I start to throw Haymitch's glass liquid bottles. I tip Plutarch's chair over, still yelling. Haymitch tries to hold me back. He grabs my arms and I starts throwing my body, kicking, screaming.


"We need help!" Haymitch yells for anyone. Plutarch had landed in the shards of glass. His arms and his cheek sliced.

"YOU KILLED HER! SHE'S GONE!" My voice cracks and I start to bawl. Plutarch looks straight in my eyes.

Haymitch drags me out. Two infirmary assistants take me and stab my arm with a needle. My body becomes limp, my vision blurry...


"Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Peeta's voice breaks through the silence.

"Her? Plutarch is getting stitches." Haymitch answers back. I feel a hand brush my hair behind my ear. I stir on the soft sheets.

"She's crazy." Haymitch sighs.

"No, she's...she's been through a lot Haymitch!" Peeta gets angry. I open my eyes. My body aches.

My lips begin to shake. Silent tears roll down. I try to ignore them but Peeta and Haymitch can't. Peeta wipes them away. I was so tired of crying but the realization my mother and Primrose were gone.

"Katniss, they will get both of them back safe and sound." Peeta whispers. I try to believe his words, like I always do. But this was different. This seemed unlikely.

"Calm down. She'll be back. What you need to focus on is the mission." Haymitch says.

"Get me to Phase two." I demand. I sit up slowly in a bed, in a room. A bedroom. A closet on my left but it was a dark lighted room. Not much bright colors. It was nice not being around things that reminded me of the Capitol.

"Are you sure? You could rest for the day?" Peeta tries to convince me. Haymitch was right, the mission was the only way I could get Prim and mother back.

"No. I have to do this." I reply to his caring words.

"Good. I'll tell Cyprus to get Ares to take you to training." Haymitch leaves.

Peeta walks over to the closet. He strips his shirt and searches the closet. I find my eyes gliding over his back. Scars running up and down and side to side. Pink healing scars. "You didn't have to go to training. You been through enough yesterday."

Yesterday? I slept for a whole day? "How long have I've been out?" I ask, pulling the covers off of myself.

"Well, it's about afternoon. 17 hours." Peeta says. My eyes widen automatically.

"I have too. I have to do it for Prim." I say standing, feeling the blood rush to my head making me dizzy.

Peeta finally finds a shirt. "So this is your room?" I say.

"No, ours. They don't have many rooms left over." Peeta walks over to me. I just wanted to collapse in his arms....

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