Chapter 7: Countdown

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I don't see Peeta in the morning. Cinna comes to me before dawn, gives me a simple shift to wear, and guides me to the roof. I have tried to forget everything that happened last night. I don't want any of this to distract me in the arena, even if Peeta knows now. But does he know about the miscarriage?

The hovercraft appears and Cinna leaves when Haymitch arrives.

"You're stronger than they are. Find water. Don't do anything rash. Stick to the plan. And don't be afraid to make any allies. Allies this year may keep you alive. Remember stay away from the cornucopia. Even if that means leaving the boy behind. He isn't the one with a zero, everyone thinks you're the weakest among all. I have already told Peeta everything." Haymitch demands of me. I shake my head over and over. The nerves are starting to kick in. "Stay alive." Haymitch hugs me. I hug him back. I will, at least, say goodbye to one of my closest friends.

"I'll try." I reply finally. He lets go of me and I start to walk up to the sliver shinning hovercraft.

I walk up the ramp until I'm inside completely. Peacekeepers guide me to sit in my designated seat. The blue lights light up and I sit with 12 tributes. Across from me is Willow, Rue's little sister. She doesn't look at me or anyone. Brutus glares at me while they place his tracker in his arm. Other tributes like Annie don't even notice whats going on. Finnick tries to catch her attention, but it seems to have failed. I sit quietly waiting for my turn. Luckily, I don't see Peeta at all. Most likely he is in the second hovercraft.

A women in a white coat approaches me, carrying the syringe. She injects the small tracker into my right arm. I see the little blue device slow move up my arm and beep a few times. I start to press on it, even though it hurts, I press on it so hard that a small bruise starts to form. I stop immediately. The hover craft takes off, taking us the new arena. My heart rate starts to beat fast and fast each minute we get closer.

We reach the docking platform. One by one we are escorted to a tube that leads us under the arena. In our catacombs or Launch Room or the Stockyard. The place where animals go before slaughter. Peacekeepers lead me into my Launch Room. It's cold and quiet. Then Cinna enters. He sits next to me. Breakfast is severed, but I have no appetite. I must eat. Who knows what I will have to eat in the arena this year. It's hard to keep down each bite.

Cinna tells me to take a shower. I do. Once I get out, I dry myself and Cinna hands me my undergarments and breezy tawny pants with a skin tight shirt that reminds me of the training shirt. He hands me a belt. No jacket. He gives me black boots, soft and comfortable. Easily can run in these. When I'm finished Cinna braids my hair back in my simple trademark braid to the side of my head. He pins my gold mockingjay pin on my shirt and we both sit. Waiting for the pleasant female voice that announces launching hour.

I could be dead, flat out dead, in an hour. With my score and the announcement of a baby. I will have no chance of survival. 'Remember what Haymitch told you' I say to myself. I begin to bite on my nails of the thought of Peeta. Peeta. Peeta. Peeta. All that runs in my mind. Over and Over. Cinna asks me if I would like to talk. But I just shake my head no and try to focus on my strategies that turn into the thought of Peeta.

"Prepare for launch in 60 seconds." Says the female voice. I begin to rock back and forward. Cinna takes hold of my hand and guides me to the clear tube with the metal plate.

"Remember I'm still betting on you. You can do this. I know you can." Cinna tells me. He still believes in me.

"Thank you Cinna. For everything you have done for me." I stammer out. He kisses my forehead.

"Good luck." His finally words. I step on the plate and the tube encloses on me. I lift my chin as straight as I can.

"Ten seconds." Says the voice. Breath in and out. The cylinder begins to rise. I feel the sun beating down on my face. My eyes try to adjust to the bright light. I feel the hot air blow onto my face. I look around me. I see huge trees, hills, a jungle, and a blacked out area. I have never seen any of these before. I know we are at a bottom of a mountain. The floor is muddy and there is green vegetation all around. Peeta is across me in the circle of tributes. He mouths "You okay." I thought he would be mad at me. I nod slightly. The cornucopia lies in the middle. Bow and arrows. That's all I need. Then I run. I run as fast as I can. No real training this year. It will definitely have a huge affect on me. But I still need to pretend like I had double the amount a normal tribute does, just so sponsors won't think I'm useless. Sixty seconds. I begin to countdown with the clock.

Peeta is focused now. He looks like he will head straight into the bloodbath. Finnick Odair has his hands crossed while he taps his foots. Nothing is distracting him. Johanna Mason is smiling, she's just waiting to pounce.

10. I try to keep my heart rate down. 9. I have to run the fastest. 8. Will me and Peeta ever meet up? 7. Water, Water, Water. 6. Just a bow and some arrows will do me good. 5. Prim. 4. Allies, good or bad? 3. Focus, Katniss, Focus. 2. Ready, set-

"Ladies and Gentleman, let the Seventy-fifth Quarter Quell begin!"

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