Chapter 25: Out of My Mind

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Peeta's arms wrap around me. I close my eyes, why couldn't everything be as simple as this. To stay wrapped in comfort.

"What am I going to do Peeta?" I whisper. His arms lock in place pulling my closer.

"I don't know...But whatever it may be. We'll do it together." Peeta says.

"What if Prim is-" I begin to choke up.

"Listen to me!" Peeta pulls me off and holds my shoulders. "She's not giving up. She still out there, fighting. Katniss she'll be back, in your arms. Trust me...just trust me." Peeta stares into my eyes.

"They know I'll break if they have either you, Prim, or my mother. They know that!" I say.

"Have you broke yet?" Peeta asks me serious. Yes, yes I have. The moment I harassed Plutarch. I have broke...

"Yes." I reply.

"No, you haven't." Peeta counters.

"Yes, I have. I almost hurt Plutarch to the-" I begin.

"No, Katniss. Your breaking point is giving up and caving in. And from the looks of it, you don't seem like anything is going to stop you from getting them back." He says. I hope he's right.

He makes me smile. It felt good to smile in such a dark room. It needed more light. Peeta is my light, my foundation, my reason, my dandelion, my guidance.

He lowers his hands from my shoulders. He walks over to the closet and picks out clothing and hands it to me.

"Here. There's a dress code around here." Peeta says. "It's really gloomy is you ask me." Everything was black. The pants, the shirts, the shoes, even the socks. Peeta's eyes and hair stood out dramatically.

Peeta guides me to the bathroom. It was small. Not much room. He leaves me be, I begin to undress. I notice a long scar across my back. A thick scar, where I had been stabbed. Many different scars everywhere. The worst part is, it's a reminder...

I sit down in tub filled with warm water. I sink down till I'm underwater. The noises drowned. Only my mind left to hear. The quiet was nice, to have time to relax was nice, to have time to think was nice. But I knew I would have to leave my tranquility behind.

I wash my tangled hair. Unknotting my blonde hair. I wash my body, feeling the stinging once I run the soap over the many scars I have.

I get out. I stare at myself in the mirror. Looking at my hair sticking to my shoulders. "What have I done....I must be out of my mind." How can a 17-year-old girl destory a whole nation...must be very fragile if that could happen...

"Katniss, are you okay?" Peeta knocks gently.

"Yes." I say.

"I don't want to rush you but Ares is here. And he looks a bit upset." Peeta says quietly. I quickly dress and walk out.

"This way Soldier Everdeen, Soldier Mellark." Ares commands.

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