Chapter 10: Not His Fault

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I walk as the sun rises. The light shines on the dew drops on the leaves of the brushes. Birds whistle and the bees buz. It seems so peaceful like taking a nice stroll in the morning back in District 12. The strolls I stop taking because I had problems and sessions to attend. I miss thoughs few hours I would have with me, myself, and I. I shake my head ridding my thoughts of old times. I am now in a arena to be killed, I need to stop day dreaming and the waterfall is a place I need to keep watch.

I feel drowsy. A night of only a few hours of sleep won't due me any good on my body. I keep walking. Carrying this sleeping bag is completely annoying. And the canteen of water hitting against my hip. I just want to carry my bow and sheath and leave everything behind. I give Peeta all my respect to run all the way over here. He has definitely become a big threat. Considering he got a 12, on his Training Score all by himself.

I hear the sound of water hitting rocks. A river or pond near by. I'm running out of water and I need a break.

I keep a consistent pace. Listening and directing my way to the sounds of the sweet, sweet river. I'll maybe even set up some snares. My stomach is hurting and it won't stop making these animal-like growling.

I see the glistening clear river. The sounds of fish plopping in the water. A noise I have missed. I see him. Standing. With a spear in his hand staring down at the fish. Concentrated.

I hide behind bushes. His backpacks torn but still useable. Some long scratches on his arms. He was probably attacked as well as me. But defiantly not hurt, not seriously injured. A bit of medicine and he would be as good as new.

I try to move out of the hiding space. I try to make little noise as possible. As I am pulling away, my pants become stuck on a sharp branch. I pull on it. The whole brush moves, I panic I pull harder. Then foot steps approach. I could just speak and he wouldn't hurt me. He would know it's only me, Katniss. But I can't find the means too. I stop and sit still.

"Who is there? I swear I will kill you. Show yourself!" He yells. Threw the small cracks between the branches, I see he stands a few yards away pointing his spear at me. Just waiting. I try to open my mouth. One word. Just one word. He would recognize my voice instantly. But I can't face him. I pull on my pants again. Maybe I can make a get away. I'm so dumb, this is what I wanted. What I have been searching for? Maybe I underestimated my courage to face him. Sweat starts to form on my hands and my forehead.

"I'm giving you the count of three." he threatens. That moment my stomach gives in and growls. My eyes widen. "Stupid mutt."

"Peettttaaaaaaaa!" I scream as the spear stabs me on my thigh. I shake in pain. Pulling it out would be unbearable.

"Katniss..." Peeta stutters. "Katniss!" He yells. He runs to me. I lay holding my leg. I let out sudden bursts of screams, ending it with whimpering.

"Katniss...I'm..I'm going to pull it out. Okay?" His voice shakes. I nod and bite my lip. He places his hand on the spear. I instantly feel more pain. He slightly pulls up and a tear falls from my cheek. I hold my breath.

Peeta counts to three. He slides it out. And I black out. I hear everything. Peeta saying my name. I hear ripping of clothing, then the feeling of pressure on the wound. I groan slightly.

"Oh Katniss. Why are you so stupid. Why didn't you say a word. I didn't know it was you. I'm so sorry." Peeta pleads. I wish I could answer him. It was not his fault. He was right about being stupid. Peeta was just trying to protect himself...from the one person that would never hurt him. That is a lie though...I have hurt him in ways I cannot repair.

"I love you Katniss Everdeen." Peeta says kissing my forehead. I manage to cry one tear before my mind shuts off.

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