Chapter 13: Another Night

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I don't remember closing my eyes last night. After what Peeta whispered in my ear. I wanted to climb out of the sleeping bag once he said it. I hadn't felt this vulernable since my father died.

It's dawn. I finally climb out of the hold Peeta had on me. I sit in the slightly lightened cave. Johanna is dead asleep. Probably still not over the death of Oakley her fellow tribute. I wonder what he meant to her. He could have been her friend or something worse her lover. He tears aren't that type though.

I go through the mountain of backpacks in the far corner of the cave. I find a jacket. I slip it on once I find four more so they wouldn't think I'm taking the only one. I sit across from Peeta. The jacket is big enough for me to pull over my knees. I tug the hood over my head. The farther away from Peeta the better. I would never leave him, ever. But a foot away is okay for me.

I make sure, just in case, that my bow and sheath is in a reachable distance. I rest my head against my knees and think about home. About Prim, my mother, and Gale. I won't lie. I wonder if he is angry at me. Angry at me for volunteering to come back in. I hope he isn't, to even think my best friend is angry at me for something I need to killing me. And Prim...watching me almost being killed because of my horrible judgement. If I could tell her once last thing is be strong and I'm sorry. No possible way now.

Johanna starts to stir in her sleep. She flips and turns. I feel as though I have a obligation to wake her from the nightmares. But I just don't understand yet her intentions. I leave her to her dreams. I hear very faint rusting of bushes and trees from down below. I get up and grab my bow. I walk out of the cave and hide behind a near by shrub. I see to tributes run through the trees by the lake. Then another tribute, just one, running after them. I hide deeper in the bush. I wouldn't want to give away over shelter and put us all in danger.

"Come on out! I just want the girl Odair. Just Cresta! I will make it quick." Yells the voice that echos all the way up here. I've heard that voice before. Brutus.

Annie and Finnick. It's not my job to help them. I don't want allies. I've told Johanna. Annie was never a threat. I would definitely have her. But Finnick he wanted to kill me himself at the bloodbath. There's no way I could ever be in the same breathing distance as him.....But that's what I also said about Johanna...and look what happened.

'I will only help if Finnick can't defend himself and Annie,' I tell myself.

"Come on Finnick! I know your out there! Just hand over the nut!" Brutus yells. It's as though he was face to face with me. His voice booms all over.

'Run. Run. Run away!' I think. Now I find myself rooting for Annie and Finnick.

Then I see them clearly. Finnick is holding Annie in his chest.  

'Hide!' I think. Brutus is coming. I see him getting closer. 'Damn it!' He's dangerously close.

I shoot and arrow at Brutus. Finnick and Annie both look up and Brutus gets an arrow in his bicep. He groans and looks up. All three of them memorized by where it came from. I duck down with my knees to my chest. Hopefully, Finnick gets the memo and runs. Take Annie and run far off.

Then a distinctive cry comes from below. My heart drops. A cannon shoots. Peeta comes running out.

"Katniss!" He yells. I pop out immediately and "shh" him. He looks down below and runs inside. He comes out with a spear jetting down to Finnick. "Stay put! Keep me covered!" He yells.

I load another arrow. Peeta reaches the fighting Finnick and Brutus. Johanna comes out with her axe swinging. I try to stop her but she jumps off the hill through the waterfall and plummets into the lake. She swims all the way to the fight. I keep watching,  making sure Brutus doesn't sneak up on one of them. But how could he, it's three against one.

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