Chapter 30: Deep Breath

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Ares stands eyeing all of us. Then our eyes come in contact. He gives me the saddest smile. It's the least bit of happiness on this hovercraft. Then I feel Peeta switch his hand. I've been holding it too tight. I loosen my grip but he just grabs mine harder. "Destination estimate, twenty minute," the robotic voice announces. The tension in air thickens. Then out of the corner of my eye I watch Finnick grab Johanna's hand and raise it to his lips. I shouldn't think anything of it, since they've known each other for a long time. Gale sits tapping his foot, it's quiet annoying. The smell of hairspray makes me sick. Now I'm just distracting myself. "Destination estimate, five minutes." My stomach drops. I begin to shake.

"Take this." Ares hands me a small blue pill. I look at his hand doubtfully. "It calms your nerves. You shouldn't want in there nervously." I quickly take it and pop it in my mouth. Then he passes it out to everyone. One by one everyone takes the small blue pill. Almost instantly, I feel my hands regain normality. "When you walk in there. Act like you belong, take a drink. Talk. Don't be scared to interact. Because secluding yourself will make you different and suspicious." Ares says. "Questions?"

"Promise you'll be in my head the rest of the way?" I say. Ares nods. Then the hovercraft begins to lower. "From here you will enter a cars. Johanna there's a special car waiting for you, I'll take you myself." Once the doors are safe to open everyone begins to exit. I'm walking out and Ares pulls me back. "If you find Snow. Do not kill till you're given a signal. Do you understand?" Ares says.

"If I'm given a clean shot?" I try to compromise. Ares shakes his head. "He's smarter than we underestimate him. I would think you'd know this by now. He isn't going to let his guard down tonight. It could jeopardize the status of your sister and mother. Don't take the chance till I say." I nod. He lets me go.

The cars are different from what I expected. I walk up with Gale. "Mr. Baron Wishart." I say. He looks down at me. "Mrs. Shrader Wishart." He replies. Peeta walks up to me. Then unexpectedly kisses me. "I love you. Be careful." Then we walk off to his own car. Ares and Johanna walk off another way. I watch Finnick's eyes follow her every move. Then we are instructed all to enter the hovering car.

We sit across from each other. I look out the window at the concrete buildings. All we can hear is our breathing. "You look ridiculous." Gale finally says. "I wouldn't be talking." I smile. We both laugh lightly. Then the car comes to a stop. "Ready?" Gale says. "The plan is on." I say quickly. Then an Avox opens the door. We exit the car and Gale offers his arm out to me. I take it and we walk up the stone steps to President Snow's Mansion.

"Baron Wishart!" A man walks up and shakes Gale's hand. Gale gives him a convincing smile. "I'm Morris Bekcon." The man says. "This is my wife, Shrader." Gale introduces me. I hold my hand out, but the man leans in and kisses my on the cheek. I take a breath and smile. "Please, please come in." Morris leads us into the house. An Avox holds out a platter carrying light blue crystal glasses with wine. I grab one and take a sip. It's sour and distasteful. Gale and I walk around. The house huge and filled with people. "Later we'll have the meeting in the office upstairs Baron." Morris informs Gale. "Delightful." Gale says with a smile. With my side vision I watch Finnick walk in with a smile ear to ear. He begins mingling with others. Making jokes, doing his part perfectly. "Don't stare dear, it's rude." Gale whispers. Morris looks at me. "Oh, I'm sorry. But that man. He's a bit of a-"

"Loose cannon." Morris finishes for me. I chuckle with him, as if I agreed. We walk further into the mansion. Food platters everywhere. A game of cards being played for money. I find Peeta in a group of men, he looks deep into a conversation. They all give him there full attention.

"Would you like a tour?" Morris says. I look up at Gale with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh why not Baron." I beg. Gale smiles down at me. "Well, why not." Gale tells Morris.

Morris leads us upstairs. Telling us about the history of the mansion and how it came to stand today. Things that I have no interest in.

"Where is the lady's room?" I interrupt Morris in mid-conversation.

"Oh, it's downstairs." Morris informs me. I smile and begin walking. "Need help finding it love?" Gale turns and calls at me. I shake my head and continue walking. I get downstairs and walk my way through the crowd. All my mind is on his how close Prim and my mother might be. "Hello there." Finnick walks up to me. "Hello-" I blank on his "name".

"Huck Balltin, Mrs. Wishart." Finnick introduces himself. "Don't you have some official gamemakers meeting soon?" I ask. I give Finnick a look to walk away. "Oh yes, but where is Mr. Wishart. A young women, like yourself, shouldn't be alone." Then I hear Ares tune in. "Go with it." The sound and his voice are muffled. 

"I found something rather strange. Would you follow me miss?" Finnick says. The crowd keeps with their partying. Finnick grabs my arm and drags me to a nearby room. Whistles echo behind us.  

"I know where Snow is hiding." Finnick whispers. I take a deep breath. "But it's a struggle." I feel the gun strapped to my thigh. At this point, I want to pull the trigger and end the reign of President Snow. "What do I have to do?" I whisper back. Finnick sighs. "His office is in the meeting room for the gamemakers. There's only one way in. But it's demeaning." Finnick sighs. I'll do anything to save her and kill Snow.

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