Chapter 3: Better Now?

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I swallow the bump in my throat as the lights focus on Peeta and me. I feel it again, the vomit. NO KATNISS! you can't throw up here. Not now. Peeta holds me up. He puts his arms around my upper back and holds my hand. He supports me, Peeta knows I'm not well. He gives me a concerned look and I nod to reassure him. He kisses my on my forehead and the crowd cheers. And then I feel it. the uncertainty. Was that kiss for the crowd?

Then I hold my stomach like a pregnant person would. I can plan the game too. I knew it would be perfect timing. Even though I wouldn't want to announce this to all of Panem. But I found it easier to tell Peeta then having a serious conversation. All of the crowd stop cheering right away and all cameras are on me and Peeta. Peeta keeps holding me and smiles. Then he finally looks at me. I'm still holding my stomach. I smile and his face freezes. He's eyes open wide and he lets go of my hand and rubs my stomach. It's weird. Like everyone and everything around me has disappeared. His blue eyes sparking with the flames in his hair. Soon I catch the screams and cries of the crowds. Some even crying. Most tributes turn towards us as we reach the circle of tributes. President Snow glares down into my soul. Peeta is still shaken and confused and scared.

"Welcome. Welcome. Happy Hunger Games! Tributes we salute you and your sacrifice. Thank you. And may the odds be ever in your favor!" President Snow announces and the capitol goes nuts. I expected him to stare straight at me. But his eyes were focused on Peeta. My heart skips a few beats. Peeta focused on the unborn child, he didn't catch the stare. I look over to Peeta and raise his chin up. He seems so out of sync. He looks up and looks around before looking up at President Snow. Though it was too late the chariots were entering the Training Center.

The chariot stops inside and the metal doors close shut. Cinna and Portia come to put out our hair. Haymitch wobbles over with Effie.

"Smart! Brilliant! Outstanding! Nice touch Sweetheart!" Haymitch praises me. "A baby! Just brilliant! You two will definitely get the sympathy sponsors on your side. Tell me what made you think of it?"

"Umm, I don't know," I mumble. Cinna stares at me. I look away.

"Well Katniss lying isn't always helpful but this is smart." Effie even admits. She laughs with her squeaky voice, " At least this is all fake. Or you would be in terrible danger!"

"I know Effie." I reply. Effie starts to escort us upstairs. Relief crosses over Peeta's face. Haymitch throws his arm over Peeta's shoulder, "Your face was priceless. Just perfect." We all enter the silent elevator. Peeta's tips of his fingers brush against my hand. I grab his hand and squeeze it tight.

The doors open once we reach level twelve pent house. We step in and Avox's take us to our rooms immediately. I get in the shower and rinse away the red dye and glitter. I wash away all of the Capitol and become Katniss again. I get out and dress in a simple night gown. I walk by the mirror and track back. I turn to my side and I see it. The belly that is beginning to grow. A human, a baby. Peeta's baby. I hake my head riding the thoughts and I walk outside for dinner.

Haymitch sits down next to me and takes swigs of different types of wines and liquor. Peeta eats bread and hot chocolate. I eat a special meal the chefs' have made for someone pregnant. Haynitch laughs saying that they are taking this a little out of proportion. Only if they all knew. But I'm sort of scared how they should react.

Peeta talks to Cinna about how different paints and brushes effect paintings and art. Effie talks to Portia about her new wig that she will be using soon. Haymitch talking to each bottle he picks up. I sit quitely eating and keeping to myself.

"Katniss you are a natural born actress! It was completely believable. From the moment you were "sick" to the end." Effie blurts out.

"Thank you. It's all those lessons I had from Haymitch. You know the days I actually went." I say sarcastically. Haymitch turns to me and smirks.

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