Chapter 16: This Means One Thing...

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"Get up." Finnick roars. His voice strong. Not like he's been in the past few days. The sorrow and depression has washed off his face. He spins his trident in his hands. Johanna looks at him and is taken back. Just like me. Two days ago I had to comfort him. Telling him everything would be okay that Annie was in a better place. Now he looks stronger, no trace of crying or weakness.

"Peeta, get up. We are going fishing." Finnick kicks Peeta's side. Peeta wakes up startled. "Come on." Finnick says walking away with his trident on his shoulder. Peeta stumbles and grabs his spear and runs after Finnick.

"We find water and pack up camp." I say.

"No, we are fine here. No one has been around this part of the mountain yet." Johanna refuses to move.

"Sooner or later Brutus and the careers are going for us." I say. "We can't stay in one place. We have to keep moving."

"Listen fire girl, I'm not moving and that's final you've got that." Johanna stands up and moves towards me.

"No one has died in days. The gamemakers might be planning to groups us together real soon." I talk back. I begin to roll up the sleeping bags.

"Stop it." Johanna is pulling the bag out of my hand. I can't believe she is this stubborn.

"Let go Johanna!" I say. We keep tugging on the sleeping bag. Then a knife flies straight between our faces. We both turn at the area it came from. I roll over and grab my bow. I lock the arrow in place. Johanna welds both axes in her hands.

I see the metal shine in the light heading fit Johanna. I tackle Johanna down before it reaches her head. I shoot an arrow. Then a sharp squeal comes from the big oak. I raise my index finger to my lips and point over to the tree. Johanna nods. I pull another arrow.

Matilda walks out from behind the tree. "Are you kidding me! This kid?" Johanna lowers her axes from position. I keep my arrow locked on her. She might be young but no one from District 2 should be underestimated. "What are you going to do? Snuggle me to death." Johanna provokes her. Matilda smiles.

"I almost stabbed your neck but prego over here blocked it. I could kill you in a second." Matilda pulls out two long knives. Johanna raise her axes. "Brutus said I could take down you but leave her alone. He's planning something special for you Katniss."

Johanna looks at me. It's like we could read eachothers mind. Johanna understands that I could never kill someone younger than me. It's not that I care for her but just her age is restricting me from embedding the arrow in her head. I'd only kill her if she...well tried to directly try to kill us. And it's apparent Matilda is ready to do so...

Johanna throws her left axe. Matilda slides under the fast moving tree chopper, she swings her knife barely missing both of our faces. We trip over a overgrown tree root, which wasn't there a minute ago. Gamemakers are changing things. I lose hold of my arrow and Johanna loses hold of her axe. I try to pull one out of the sheath. Matilda stands above me using both hands to dig the knife into my stomach.

Johanna blocks the stab with the butt of the axe. I pull out the arrow and shoot it in her head. Matilda falls to the ground with a thud and the bombs sounds. Signaling a death. Hopefully, the careers with think, for the time being, that Matilda had succeeded with killing Johanna. But soon, as time passes, they will come for us.

Both of our hearts beating fast. I let my body lay back and rest. Johanna stands pulling my arrow out of Matilda's head. Then goes and finds the lost axe and other arrow. I finish up with packing everything and head back to find Johanna. A mockingbird signals a call and the hovercraft appears with it's metal claws.

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