Chapter 5: Gone

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"Wake up! It's a big, big ,big day!" Effie unintentionally yells. She throws open the curtains letting the sun light pour into the room. It creeps on to my face making me awake. I throw on some comfortable clothes and walk over to the dining room. Haymitch lies down on the chair with his legs on the arm rest. Peeta eats a good portion of food. I sit and severe myself chocolate and orange juice and strawberries and anything sweet. "Sweetheart you shouldn't eat that." Haymitch warns me. "Shut up!" I reply angrily.

Haymitch explains our new interview line up. I would get question after question about how I will survive the games with the baby and of course the baby. Peeta will get questions about his reactions and how he feels about going back in. Haymitch instructed both of us to keep our topics sad and loving. "You two need to think of baby names. They will definitely ask you." Haymitch explains. Peeta looks at me and I look at him. Of we both have our preferences.

"Well spit them out!" Haymitch says. He can see in both of us we have some names.

"Well I like Rye for a boy. Basil for a girl." Peeta answers. Haymitch winces at the girls name and honestly I don't like Basil very much.

"And you Sweetheart?" Haymitch turns to me.

"Willow for a girl and Blaze for a boy." I say. Willow, I always wanted to be named that instead of Katniss. Blaze I made up, because if I'd name a boy it would be Gale,  not Blaze.

"Okay Basil is ugly and so is Blaze. Rye or Willow it is." Haymitch announces and gets up and leaves.

The team of stylist meet me in my room. The put all the make-up and concoctions spread out on the large marble desk. And the begin the process of rubbing me down with lotion, washing my hair and applying the nail polish. The fix my hair in an updo. Braids wrap around my head. With gold streaks in between. Cinna comes in tow hours later. He brings in the white bag. He unzips to reveal the masterpiece. A dress that is long to my feet. It is embedded from the sweetheart breast area down to my hips the bottom leg area flows with colorful fiery red, gold, and orange feathers. With a hint of black between. He applies peachy makeup all over. My face is actually recognizable than the tribute parade.

"All done Miss Everdeen," Cinna says brushing his hands together. I look at myself. My stomach feeling woozy. I run to the trash bucket and throw up pure clear liquids. "You're okay," Cinna says rubbing my back for comfort. I nod and stand up, he hands me a tissue to wipe my mouth.

Cinna walks me town to the cars. We drive away to the interviews. My hands begin to nervously shake. I thought it would be more comfortable than last year but I feel equally the same. We get off and Cinna walks me to the tribute waiting area. All the other district stand waiting for the show to start. Peeta comes walking down the hall. He wears a suit that has a sunset effect on the blazer then fades away when it reached his torso and becomes a deep red. He wears a top hat not too large, just perfect, with four feathers: Red, gold, orange, and black. He stands behind me and squeezes my hand without the other tributes watching us.

One by one each tribute makes their way onto the stage. Cashmere explained how her beauty and intelligence and get her far. Brutus saying he can still break someone's neck easily. Finnick flirting with the entire stadium, Annie saying nothing. More and more tributes explain their strengths trying to intimidate one another. Willow from district 11 ,I love that name, turns out to be Rue's younger sister and I can help but see Rue then Prim. The bell rings and I go up. I walk casually towards Caesar Flickerman. His white smile is inviting. He takes my hand and sits me down. I breathe in and out feeling the uneasiness in my stomach.

"Katniss Everdeen. Welcome once again." Caesar says.

"Thank you." I reply politely.

"So Katniss. You've gave some pretty big news at the tribute parade. A baby how exciting!" Caesar says and the crowd cheers. "Have you thought of any names yet?"

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