Chapter 20: A Little Fall of Rain

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A/N: When reading this chapter, please don't hate me for what you are about to read. :D  


We all hear the Capitol anthem play. We all know who's face will shine in the rainy sky. Cashmere. Peeta's kill. I don't know exactly what drove him to kill her, but it takes a lot to get Peeta to that point. I never ask him. He sits quietly, not saying a word to me nor Johanna. I'm surprised Johanna hasn't bugged him about the kill. Maybe because she was there, witnessed it and all. She knows what happened. And she can tell the guilt that is spread across his emotionless face.

We hear the pitter-patter of the rain drops hitting the dirt floor outside the dark cave. Back at home, I had a theory about the way it rained.

There's a breaking point for a person. Same thing with the sky. It holdings so much in, it lets it all out.

But I guess that doesn't count in here. Once the anthem dies down, Peeta's face softens. Like it's not bothering him anymore. Both Johanna and I know it will always dawn on him.

"I'll keep watch." Peeta announces. Johanna grabs a blanket and sleeps sitting up. I walk turn to Peeta and kiss him on his cheek. I take the other half and over myself. I lay down on Peeta's lap. He strokes my hair. Messing my braid up.

"One day more." Peeta says. What does he mean by it?....then it hits me. He is planning to only have one day more. Living one day more.

I wake. Peeta's eyes fighting to stay open. He smiles at me. I tell him I'll take next watch. He lays next to me. I turn and see Johanna sleeping and struggling. She shakes and then jolts. Nightmares.

"Johanna..." I whisper. She gasps and looks stunned. She puts her hand on her chest, breathing heavily.

"Thank you." She breaths. I nod and turn back to Peeta's face.

He has a cut on his cheek bone. His hair messy. Patches of dirt. But his face unchanged. Peaceful. But I wonder if he's just paralyzed with fear. I wipe away the dried blood and dirt. I brush back his hair with my fingers. Playing with his blond waves.

"You're lucky..." Johanna tilts her head.

"Huh?" I look over at her.

"You're lucky to have him in your life." Johanna admits. I say nothing. "I knew how much he cared for you since the day we became allies. He told me how much he can't live without you. You're his whole life Katniss. Your lucky to have someone who cares so much for your well-being. You can't let him go. There has to be a way you two live."

"Johanna-" I whisper.

"I was just sharing..." Johanna turns over again.

We pack our belongs and walk out of the cave into the damp woods. It had stopped raining, but still storm clouds above our heads. Our stomachs make noises scaring off any kind of animal near us.

"Where would Finnick be?" Peeta speaks. We all try to think of any possible places. We stop walking and stand in a circle.

Finnick doesn't exactly know how to hunt the animals in the trees. He would have to find another food source that has water that is drinkable. There was only one place Finnick could be...

"The waterfall." I say. Peeta and Johanna's eyes widen with realization.

"Where are we?" Peeta says.

"We have to go by instinct." Johanna shrugs.

We start to walk and go down slopes. No running, energy is all we can rely on now.

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