Chatper 6: Trusted Eachother

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{Peeta's Point of View}

I heard it. The moaning in the hall. The pain in the faint voice. I had woke me up from my almost sleep. I tried and tried and tried to fall to sleep. But knowing that Katniss wasn't in my arms the night before we go back in the arena, killed me. My mind raced with thoughts of possible away to keep her alive. Tricking tributes by saving the silver parachutes, Haymitch will hopefully send, and place smashed nightlock in the container tricking tributes. This year I am determined to keep Katniss alive and for me not to get severely hurt so she won't have to take care of me.

The groaning down the hall keeps me from sleeping. It sounds serious. Katniss! She wasn't feeling to good. Is she okay?

I peek my head outside of my room looking down the lonely hallway from left to right. I hear foot steps heading the the elevators. I know I shouldn't Foxface. Sneaky and not pertaining to my own worries. But if I didn't know who was in pain, and if it was Katniss, I couldn't help but feel guilty I didn't go help her.

Just to reassure myself I go and knock on Katniss's door. I know she's not allowed to open but she would try to see me right? right? Nothing. No knock back for confirmation.

I run down the hallway and the empty elevator shoots back up to the 12th floor. I get in and press the highlight red "H" button. The elevator zooms down and stops. Silence. I have never seen the hospital from this point of view. Considering I am the one in the room getting fixed up. Everyone stares as I walk in. The nurses and doctors. This place must be relatively empty most of the time since most citizens of the Capitol are healthy.

I make my way up to the counter where the lady dressed in white sits.

"Excuse me..." I begin.

"Mr. Mellark." The lady answers.

"Yes. Umm... I was wondering if Katniss Everdeen had checked in a few minutes ago?" I say sheepishly. None of this would be my business but if she was sick I would want to know.

"Yes sir," She replies and that's all she replies. She's leaving me in the dark. I get aggravated.

"Well is she sick?" I say with an attitude.

"No." The lady answers.

"Well, Then what's wrong will her?" I say almost yelling.

"She's pregnant sir." The lady says. She hands me some papers and continues with her work. Then I know this is a stunt. The "pregnancy play" Katniss came up with. What, are these fake?

I open the manilla folder. An ultrasound picture. Papers to show it's real. Not a stunt. Then I see Haymitch, sitting on a chair with his hands on his face.

"So she is pregnant?" I asked to reassure I wasn't tricking myself.

"Sir. I have said this before. Please don't make me say it again. Yes, Miss Everdeen is very pregnant. She is probably just feeling some usual pains and aches pregnant women feel. She will be fine. I reassure you she is okay and so is the baby. No please let me get back to me work." She says one last time.

My heart sinks. My balance becomes unstable. My vision blurry. Then my heart beats faster and my fists clench. My angry takes the best of me. I start to stomp out of the waiting room. An innocent planter gets attacked by my foot, knocking it over, breaking. I slam the door behind me and crumple the papers in my hands. WHY DID'NT SHE TELL ME!? IF ALL OF THIS WAS REAL, HAYMITCH MUST HAVE KNOWN, NO ONE EVER TELLS ME ANYTHING AROUND HERE! I punch the "12" button and the plastic button cracks.

The elevator doors slide open. I walk through and an Avox guides me to my room and opens the doors. Before he leaves I ask him something.

"Will you go get me Portia?" I ask angrily. I know I shouldn't take it out on him. Portia immediately comes. She's dress normal. Her dark skin with her natural dark brown corkscrew hair.

"Peeta it's 1 am. You have to go to sleep. Get your rest." Portia tells me.

"Never mind rest. I need baby clothes. Now. Please." I say frantic. Katniss will find out I know.

"Peeta? Why?" Portia questions my odd order.

"Please. I just need it. Preferably unisex." I say. She leaves right away. I lay on my bed and breath in and out. Controlling my actions. I'm hurt. Not angry. Hurt that she never told me. And she would go back in the arena with a child without telling me. And I know she plans on keeping me away from death. How could she even dare?

Portia arrives again with the baby clothes and Effie. Or a woman I believe to be Effie. She has blonde hair, light skin (not her usual white, flour white skin), and she had blue eyes. Nothing like the Effie I know.

"Portia you don't have to attend to Peeta's crazy antics. He has the arena tomorrow!" Effie says.

"Here you go Peeta." Portia hands me the assortments. I pick and throw out some till I find the best one in my opinion. I handle the rest back. And Effie still nags in poor Portia's ear. They both leave. I walk over to the desk. Pull out a nice metallic pen and a clean sheet of paper. I write a quick message on it. "You never told me the truth about our baby." I grab a pin I found on one of my suits and pin it to the clothing.

"Now place this on Katniss Everdeen bed, please," I tell the male Avox. He nods and leaves the room. I uncrumple the folded and paper and place it neatly on my bedside table. Why Katniss? I thought we could never keep secrets as big as this. I thought we trusted each other. I guess not enough.

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