Chapter 22: The Strangest

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10 minutes after Cyprus left. A beeping sound came from the machine next to my head. Then a blue liquid goes through all of the tubes connected to my arms. My eyes become droopy.

I wake up. I'm not in the white room anyone. But in a room with others. To my right is Johanna. And my left Finnick! I begin to panic. I saw him die, right in front of me. This has to be a dream. But they didn't look the same...

I raise my hand, my skin pale. Not sickly pale, but like I haven't seen sun since I was born. What happened to my olive skin? I had Prim's porcelain skin tone. Then on my left shoulder I can see blonde shiny hair, that couldn't be mine. I pull the hair and felt pain on my scalp. I turn my head and see a mirror on the metal table next to my bed. I pick it up but I don't see me. I see an older prim, my hair blonde, my skin pale, and my eyes blue/grey.

I look over at Finnick, his hair a natural brown hair with pale skin. Nothing looks like him. Johanna, her hair long brown and her skin a natural tan.

Cyprus walks in with a warming smile. "Hello Katniss, I've seen that you've noticed your new appearance."

"Was this necessary! Why!" I yell. I had not the acknowledgment of this. No one told me! I didn't agree to this!

"Katniss, please, we know this might be a big change but it's for safety." Cyprus tries to come me down.

"No one asked me!" I yell I throw the mirror on the shiny marble floor. Finnick wakes up. "We didn't agree with is!" Finnick picks up the mirror by his bed and gasps.

"Katniss I just came in here to say there is a meeting with Mr. Abernathy. You can take your rage out on him." Cyprus informs me. Three women walk into and place clothes at the end of our beds. "20 minutes."

Cyprus leaves with the three women. I turn to Finnick. I jump out of my bed and run over to him. I throw my arms around him.

"Finnick I thought you were gone!" My throat chokes up.

"I'm surprised too." I can hear his lips stretch into a smile. I let go and stare at him. His eyes a pale green, not the bright sea green he had before. His hair now wavy and brown, not curls of bronze. His skin not sun-kissed, but pale like mine now. "Strange isn't it?" Finnick smiles.

"The strangest." I reply.

"I wonder how Peeta looks now." Finnick raises his eyebrows. Peeta... "We should wake up Johanna then, we have 10 minutes now."

The clothes fit us perfectly. Johanna wore shorts that went don't to her knees and a tank top. Finnick wore lose pants and a v-neck. I wore a scoop-neck and pants. They were all a dull grey color. No matter how different styles they were, they all matched in color.

We begin to walk down the white hall way. Johanna hasn't said anything to us. She won't even look over at Finnick. I noticed her eyes weren't the hazel they were before now they were a light brown.

Doors lined up on the walls with certain signs. The door at the end of the hall opens and a boy walks out. He stands staring at us.

"Katniss!" The boy yells in happiness and begins running towards me. Finnick quickly pins him to the door on our right with a sign saying, "Eye Color".

Finnick is about to snap his neck. "Peeta..." Finnick drops Peeta's body down. I push Finnick and kneel down. Peeta gasps for air. His hair brown and his eyes a light brown and his skin slightly tanned.

"Peeta." I nuzzle my head between his shoulder and neck. I wrap my shaking arms around his body. His strong arms, I know, hold me close. His sits up and leans his body against the door. Tears suddenly streak my cheeks.

"I'm here." He whispers.

"That's all I need to know." I smiles. He stands up and wipes my cheeks and kisses me. Warmth runs all over. Prickling my arms were he rests his hands.

"You're still beautiful." He whispers.

"Come on love birds, I still want to know why I look like this!" Finnick puts his arm around Peeta's neck.

"Don't worry Finnick you're beautiful too." I say. 

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