Chatper 2: Secrets Unknown

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I stand on the metal plate looking at The Cornucopia. Around me is Rue with a spear in her torso, Marvel with an arrow in his chest, Clove with her head caved in because of the rock Thresh threw at her. Cato with his arms bitten and torn with an arrow in his head, Thresh with a deep sword in his heart, Glimmer with her oozing bumps, and more and more dead tributes still alive glaring at me because Peeta and I were the ones that stayed alive. I turn to Peeta and see his leg gushing blood and he's barely standing. The countdown, I stand looking at the time. 7...6...5. Peeta will be first to die. They will get him first because he was supposed to die first. 4...3... Then it will be me. 2..1...

I thrash around trying to rid the nightmares. Nothing around me to hold on to, only the silk sheets that slip through my fingers like water. My eyes flash open to the sight of my scared and colorful team. Flavius, Octavia, and Venia stare at me. My fingers spread on the sheets and grip on them for dear life. My forehead throbbing so hard, I can hear the beating of my heart. My heart pitter-patters fast like a rabbit's fleet. All three of them standing above me looking at me as if I was an animal on its death bed. I turn over and throw up in a wastebasket next to the bed. I shake a bit and wipe my mouth. "Where is Peeta?" I try to ask them as calmly as I could.

"K-Katniss he's with his prep team." Flavius gets the guts to answer back. While the other two hide behind him. I'm not that scary in my sleep. Yet, Prim was scared of my nightmare thrashes. But, I had thought only because she was small and she doesn't have a grown person's point of view. I guess I was wrong. "When did he leave?" I ask, panting, trying to catch a clear breath.

"Not to long ago. Katniss we really need to start to get you dressed." Octavia stumbles on her words. Venia wipes the sweat and tears off my skin. Octavia smooths my body with a lotion that makes me glow and shine. Flavius pulls my hair back into a slick ponytail and my loose hair falls into light curls. The immediately leave my room. I stand up in my white fluffy robe and walk over the small metal opening that is the window. The train moves quick so I don't get to clearly see the scenery but I remember the shining Capitol and all its glory coming straight ahead. Cinna walks into my room and brings a white bag with him. He sets it down and unzips the bag. He pulls out a black dress made of velvet. In different lighting, the dress has bursts of green, violet, and wine colors. Almost like holding a feather up into the light and seeing the true colors. He helps me slip it on and does my over exaggerated makeup. He hands me high heels that match the dress. He highlights my cheekbones and makes my seam gray eyes visible.

"There we go," He mumbles as he steps back and analyzes me from head to toe. "This is only for the cameras. Your opening ceremony outfit is...much more exciting." I nod and at that exact moment the train holts. I close my window. I rather not see the rainbow outside. Cinna guides me out to the dining car and we wait for Effie, Haymitch, and Peeta. Effie comes out of nowhere and claps her hands for me to smile. Peeta comes in. He looks beautful. He's wearing the same material of course but in a suit. His hair brushed back but the wonders of makeup made his blue eyes shine through. They are like two sparking stars. I smile at him and he returns the look. Haymitch is tripping over his own toes completely drunk beyong belief. The metal doors to the train slide open. The lights, colors, and screams are too overwhelming. I want to run back into the train and wait till it's clear. We begin to walk down the open strip of marbel pavement. Two peacekeepers escort us to our cars which I'm dying to enter at this piont. Citizens of Panem are unbelieveable. They will push and shove just to get a glimse of the star-crossed lovers of District 12. While passing the vibrant people, some throw their kisses, sobs, and white roses at us. We are rushed into the cars once they had started to get rowdy.

I sit in the car spinning my thumbs around one another. Peeta gets memorized by the constant movement. I smile and it's the first time I've done that in two weeks. Few minutes of silent sitting the car stops and was are forced out as if we refused to move a muscle. The peacekeepers this year have really stepped up to enforcing cruelty. Once we enter the Remake Center.

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