Chapter 23: Phases

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"Sit." Cyprus walks us in the large room with the longest desk. Haymitch and four other guests, waiting for us. The chairs tall and with cushion. I hide behind Peeta's shoulder. Finnick sits in a black chair. Johanna sits across from him. I'm about to sit...

"Katniss, the chair at the end is for you." Cyprus whispers in my ear. Peeta sits down next to Haymitch. I walk over to the end. I look out to everyone. Plutarch, Haymitch, Peeta, Cyprus, Finnick, Johanna, a random male, and Gale... He doesn't see happy or mad or sad, but determined. He looked different. His hair ashy-blonde, his eyes a dark green and he facial scruff.

"Okay, who is to blame for our transformations?" Finnick comes out.

"Mine pretty boy." Haymitch peeks over Peeta.

"No one told us." I say.

"She speaks!" Haymitch raises his glass and takes a swig.

"We were completing phase one." Plutarch interupts Haymitch before he said anything that might get me mad.

"What's phase two?" Peeta chimes in.

"Preparation for phase three." The unknown male informs us.

"Who are you?" Johanna says annoyed.

"Ares." The man says. He was a buff, built man, with a blonde buzzed hair. "I help with phase two, I'm your trainers."

"What's the damn plan." I demand.

"You sneak into the Capitol and kill Snow." Haymitch says.

"What?" Peeta says. "How are we, the most wanted people in Panem, suppose to walk right into the Capitol? Even with the physical changes."

"Fake disguises. It doesn't take much to be apart of the Capitol. They're fake anyways." Haymitch sips his liquor.

"We have a plan, everyone has a job." Cyprus butts in. She hands us all folders.

Peeta looks through his. His face confused. "How is this going to work?"

"I like mine." Finnick smiles. "I'm a rich Capitol guest."

"So it's like you haven't changed." Johanna rolls her eyes.

"Wait a gamemaker?" Finnick looks down at the folder then over at Haymitch.

"I'm a gamemaker too." Peeta says.

"There's an event happening at the Capitol. All gamemakers and Game coordinators are gathering at headquarters. They are planning to track you down. And Finnick, Peeta, are the best a talking and distracting.They will interact with gamemakers."

"Avox?" Johanna raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

"You're responsible for taking items. Wallets, keys, codes out of Gamemakers pockets." Cyprus informs Johanna. Johanna doesn't look to pleased.

"Gamemaker's Guest..." I finally say.

"You go with in Gale. I'd pair you up with Peeta but together it would be to similar. Find and Corner Snow. Kill him." Haymitch points out.

"No back-up?" I say.

"I'm back-up." Gale speaks. "I'll keep things clear."

"Shall we start phase 2?" Ares folds his arms and spins side to side in his chair.

We are leaving the room. Gale pulls me aside. "Katniss there's something I have to tell you." He looks sick, like what he's about to say will hurt him. "Prim and your mother...they were taken..."

I smile and realize what he just said.......Everything I have been fighting for is breaking apart. My heart stops. "You're lying!" I scream. "She's here!" Gale grabs my arms to keep me still. My heart faint, my head spinning. This whole time I've been here I've cared about Peeta and my looks. Not where my mother and Prim are. I'm so stupid and selfish.

"Katniss calm down." Gale holds me into his chest. I begin shaking, warm tears fall down my cheeks. I start to gasp and sob hard. Gale's arms hold me close. He soon sits on the floor and I curl up. Prim was gone, my only reason to do this. The only reason everything happened the way it did.

It was the first time I had thought of someone else other than Prim. Peeta came first in my mind...He was my number one concern at the time. But I'm not so sure anymore. Not if they have Primrose.

Gale rocks me back and forth. My body still reacting to Prim being in danger. I wipe my face but the tears won't stop.

"Katniss, we'll get her. I promise." He holds my face. My vision blurry with my salty tears. "We'll get her when we go. Okay. Our little mission."

"Okay." I sniffle. I sit on my legs with my hands on my lap. I look down, my last few tears drip on my pants. Gale's hand lifts my chin and softly kisses my lips. I felt empty... "Sorry.." Gale says. I grab his hand and squeeze tight. I didn't want him to think it meant anything. I didn't smile or turn red. I didn't really acknowledge him after. I just walked away...

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