I'm sorry (break up/make up)

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Your P.O.V
Today went by so slow, I just wanted to get home and cuddle with my boyfriend of 2 years Justin.

~ 6pm ~
Boss: y/n your free to go for today
Y: okay see you tomorrow
B: drive safe bye
Y: bye

~ 6:30pm ~
I'm finally home and Justin seems to be home too. I got out of the car and opened the door.
Y: Justin I'm home.
There was no response. That's funny his car is outside maybe he's listening to music. I walked upstairs and walked into our room but soon regretting it. I couldn't believe my eyes I felt like me heart was breaking. I saw Justin with one of his models friends making out on our bed.
Y: Justin how could you!
You said sobbing. When Justin's eyes met yours he pushed the model off of him and walked to you.
J: y/n I'm sorry
Y: you know what Justin sorry isn't going to cut it.And with that you ran downstairs with Justin following you. Since he's faster than you he got to the door.
J: I'm so sorry baby, it was a mistake I'm so sorry please forgive me
Y: Justin I need time
J: no please don't leave me y/n
Y: Justin please give me sometime to think about this
J: you can't leave me y/n please baby I need you, your my everything.
At this time the model already left
Y: okay Justin I won't leave
J: I'm sorry
Y: it's okay Justin I forgive you

After that we walked upstairs and cuddled until we fell asleep.

A/n this is my first Justin Bieber imagine. comment and tell me if you like it. If you want an imagine you can leave a comment with your name and what type. Just remember I don't do dirty.

-Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now