Lay me down (fight/break up/make up) Jason McCann pt 2

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Jason's P.O.V
what just happened? What was I thinking? How could I do that to her? She's done nothing to me, why did I have to be so stupid.

I pushed Mia away and ran downstairs hoping y/n didn't leave yet. I went around the whole house and still no sigh of her. She must have left. What did I just get my self into?

~two months later~

Your P.O.V
For the past 2 months I've been staying at my beach house, which is like a 3 times bigger than mine and Jas- I mean Jason's house. I miss him so much but like I said to him I'm nobody's rebound. I have way more respect for myself, then to let myself be someone's side chick.

Anyways I've tried to get over Jason but it's a lot harder than I thought. He was my everything, we did everything together, but what he did to me was wrong. I have never betrayed his trust but he changed. He was a player and when we started dating he promised me he wouldn't break my heart.

He broke his promise and I honestly don't think I can forgive him unless he gives me a good reason to forgive him. Anyways right now I'm having a mini party with me and my girls. They want me to date one of their friends brother. I honestly don't think I'm ready to date yet but I guess I have no saying in it now.

The doorbell rang and I y/f/n went to open the door. After a while I heard shouting and then I saw Jason walk into the room we were in.

J: y/n can we talk
Y: no Jason
J: please
Y: ugh fine

We walked to my room and when I turned to face Jason he......

A/n the final part will be up later today or tomorrow. Hope your enjoying my imagines.

-Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now