Hidden secrets ( Jason McCann)

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Intro: He's hungry for trouble. Behind those eyes lays something no one knows about. Every one has secrets but his are different. Most people can't keep their secrets for long because they'll feel guilty but he can live with the guilt. His secrets are hidden. Hidden deep behind those beautiful blue eyes aren't normal secrets. They're hidden secrets. And this was one of his most hidden secrets

Your P.OV
I go to the same school as Jason McCann but at school he's known as bad boy McCann. And if it isn't bad enough I also live with him. My parents are always away on business trips so I live with Jason, his older brother Alex, Nicki his sister who is my best friend and their mom who is like a second mom to me.

Every summer I go back home and spend time with my parents because that's the only time they have off. Anyways it's time to get ready for another wonderful week of school note to sarcasm. Now I remember why most people hate Monday's and I'm one of them.

I just woke up and I looked around the room to see if Nicki was up since we share a room. She was still sleeping so I decided to wake her up so we could pull a prank on Jason since he's always pranking me.
Y: Nicki wake up it's time
N: okay let's get dressed in to our matching outfits and fill up the buckets. I went to the bathroom and did my normal routine and fill the buckets up with water. Nicki and I are in our super cute outfits and we're ready to get Jason back for always pranking me.

We slowly walked into his room and we poured the water on his head and he shot out of bed and looked at me. Nicki already ran out of the room and Jason looked upset so I ran and I heard foot steps behind me. I quickly ran into mine and Nicki's room where she was already waiting for me.

N: damn girl that was funny she said giving me a high five.
Y: yeah it really was
Y: yeah sure what ever Jason I'm not afraid of you and neither is Nicki

With that we heard him walk away. We both got our bag and opened the door and ran downstairs as fast as we could. When we got down I went to talk to Alex real fast. After that we went to the front door and I got my car keys and opened the door.

~skip the ride to school~

Nicki and I walked into the school like we own the place and most guys were staring and we didn't mind cause we're use to it. We're the two most popular girls in the school but we're not mean unlike bad boy McCann I'm the only girl who tells him off which makes him mad but it doesn't matter to me. He picks on people and I know how that feel so I try and stop it.

Well Nicki and I have almost every class together and Jason and I have every class together. The day went by pretty fast but the last two classes I have to spend with Jason.

It's the last class of the day and it's miss June's history class
Miss j: okay class today you will need a partner but I will be partnering you guys up
The class: ugh. she went down the list and the last two people were me and Jason
Miss j: and y/n and Jason are partners
Jason looked at me and smirked
Miss j: for this assignment you will need to pick a famous inventor and create a time line. You will have all this week to work on it.

~ After school~

I saw Jason fighting with my boyfriend Jamie who is the star of the foot ball team.
Jamie: your just jealous McCann that I'm dating y/n
J: maybe I am and she'll soon be mine
Jamie: over my dead body
J: that can be arranged
And with that they started to fight

I ran up to them and push Jason off Jamie.
Y: Jamie are you okay
Jamie: yeah but get that freak away from me
Y: Jamie your never like this I can't believe it, your becoming just like Jason and I don't want to be with someone like that
Jamie: are you breaking up with me
Y: yes now leave I don't want to see you anymore. And with that he left. I turned to Jason but he grabbed my hand.
Y:where's Nicki
J:she took my car
Y:but why and before i could finish his lips where on mine.

After we pulled away i looked into his beautiful blue eyes.
J: out of all my secrets the most hidden one was how I feel about you,
Y/n your my hidden secret.

A/N I'll update later if I can
I might make parts but idk yet

-Olivia aka Liv

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