Faithful ( Part 1)

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Hey guys Happy New Year. I know I've been gone for a while but schools been keeping me busy and I've kinda lost inspiration to write..... However, I came to the conclusion that I'll only update when I truly feel inspired, which is why I'm writing now. Writing has and will always be apart of my life regardless if It's me writing or supporting another Author on the app/website. I truly appreciate what you guys have done by supporting my book. It truly does mean a lot to me. Sooooo without further ado here's the first but certainly not the last update of 2018.

If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time.

Your POV

Justin and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. After him and Selena first got together, I kept my distance due to the huge crush I had on Justin. After they called it quits, Justin went into this weird time in his life. Me being the best friend I am, moved in with him and a few months later, he was back on his feet again.

This is Justin and I's fifth argument in the past 2 weeks because he wants to use me to make Selena jealous. I already told him no because not only will that go against everything I stand for, I'm not letting him or anyone use me. Shortly after, I ended up landing a huge record deal which just so happened to land on the following day, Selena and her new boyfriend invited J and I to her Fetish premier . I Told J that that I couldn't go because my flight was the next morning which once again, ended with us arguing.

"You know what J, this conversation isn't happening right now" I said walking to the front door. "Where do you think you're going" he yelled obviously angered by my actions "we're talking about this right now" he said storming towards me. "Justin what do you want me to say, huh? Do you want me to tell you that I'm not going to New York to promote my album because you want me to go with you to Selena's party? You're being so selfish. Just listen to yourself. This opportunity is once in a life time and I worked so hard to make it to where I'm at. I know for a fact that I'm not letting you get in the way of me pursuing my dream especially because you want to use me. You're a terrible friend, you know that?" I said as I opened the door "I would have thought that you out of all people would understand" I said coldly as I walked to my Range rover and drove off.

Hours passed and I finally decided to drive back home to face reality ( I love that song).

As I Walked in the house, I saw Justin on the couch fast asleep. I just shook my head and headed towards the stairs. I slowing made my way up the stairs but as I reached the final steps, I heard a voice call out to me " Y/n is that you?" I heard J say as I froze in my spot. Maybe if I didn't call out to him, he'd take a hint. I continued onto my destination aka my bedroom. I garbed my pajamas and headed to the bathroom. As I took my time Showering, flash backs of today kept playing in my head. Once I got out, I got dressed and walked back into my room to come face to face with Justin.

"Why are you here" I said walking to my bed and sitting down. " Y/n I'm so sorry. You were right. I was being selfish" he said sitting beside me. "I'm so sorry babe" he said moving closer to me. This is were I messed up. I liked him so much I kept letting this happen. But this time it was different.

"I'll never do anything like that again, I promise" he said leaning in. That's when it happened. Justin's lips were on mine as they moved in unison. We pulled away and spent the night cuddling.

A month later everything was going good. Justin and I were finally dating. It was finally the day of Selena's Party and boy was I nervous. It was pool party so I decided to put on this.

"Dang baby girl you look so good" Justin said holding onto my waist

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"Dang baby girl you look so good" Justin said holding onto my waist. I put shorts and walked downstairs to look for my car charger for my phone while Justin got his stuff together. "I call driving" I yelled and ran outside before he could say anything. The ride there was short and simple.

When we got there it was packed. People swimming in the pool, some dancing while others socialize. 

~Skip a couple of hours~ 

Justin and I split up a couple hours ago to talk to our friends and it was getting late so I decided it was time to leave because I needed to finish packing. As I looked for Justin, I bumped into Ryan who I was hoping could provide me with an answer. "Hey Ry do you by chance know where J is" I asked as the music was blaring through the speakers "nah sorry Y/n but the last time I saw him, he was with Sel" My heart started pumping really fast but I knew that I couldn't jump to conclusions, so I decided that I needed to find Justin and fast. I searched for nearly a half an hour until I Found him. "hey babe" I said as I found him making out with Selena. "Wow seriously Justin" I said walking back to my car "baby it's-" "never talk to me again" I said driving off.

What will happen with Justin and Y/n ?

How will Y/n's album release go  ? 

Does that mean that Selena and Justin are back together?

find out in the next part ( that is if you guys want another part)

A/n I hoped you guys liked this. I hope to update once I can. I love you guys 

~Olivia aka Liv

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