It was always you pt 2

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Recap: We all walked outside and I locked the door and walked to the limo with my arms linked to Blake's.

Still Your P.O.V
~skip the limo ride~

We all got out and walked in. Justin made the reservation
Waiter: do you have reservations?
J: yes it's under Bieber
W: ah yes right this way Mr.Bieber
We all followed the waiter to the V.I.P section. Dang Justin must have paid a lot for us to come to this expensive restaurant.
W: hi I will be your waiter tonight is there anything you would like to drink
Y: I'll have a water
B: me too
J: I'll have a martini
S: I will as well
W: I will be right back with your drinks
-skip dinner-

We all had a conversation about Justin's new music until Stephanie and Blake both went to the bathroom which I thought was weird but chose to ignore. It's been 5 minutes where can they be. Justin and I both went to check on them but what we saw was something that made my heart break.

We saw Blake and Stephanie making out. It wasn't a surprise that Stephanie was cheating on Justin but Blake promised me he wouldn't cheat on me and he said he wouldn't be like all my ex's who all cheated on me.

Y: Blake how could you
B: y/n it's not what it looks like
All I could do was run outside with Justin following me
Y: Justin how could he and before you could finish he kissed me and of course I kissed back.
J: y/n it's was always you. it was always you who made me happy. Ever since the first day I met u I knew I loved you. Say you'll be mine
Y: of course I will
And with that we made out for 5 minutes and got back into the limo.
~skip the ride back~

A/n part 3 will be a little shorter I hope you like my book so far.

-Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now