Make Up Your Mind (Justin)

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If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time.

Your POV

Justin and I were currently on his bed cuddling together as we watched Bob's Burgers. We're not dating but we act like a couple. You know how the cliché love stories goes, girl falls for her best friend.

Justin is so confusing. One minute he holds my hand and treats me like a princess while the next minute he's friend zoning me. I finally got the courage to tell him how felt but as per usual things never end up going as planned.

"Justin you can't keep doing this to me" I said getting up and looking for my purse. "Y/N what are you talking about" he said sitting up on his bed " you can't keep playing with me J. I'm not your toy" I said as he walked up towards me "why are you bringing this up all of a sudden" he said looking down at me "you want to know why J" I said making sure I was looking him dead in the eye " I like you Justin, I have for a while now but you keep messing with my head and honestly I can't keep doing this" I said motioning us as I walked out of his room, heading towards the main staircase.

"Wait you like me?" He asked as he reached for my hands, preventing me from going anywhere. "Yeah" I said looking away because I was far to embarrassed to look him directly in the eyes again. I wasn't expecting what he did next. He kissed me and it made my heart melt and knees get weak.

That was a couple of weeks ago and he hasn't contacted me since. I knew better though and this all could have been prevented if I just kept it to myself and moved on. I see his Instagram filled with models and his little on and off fling and realized that the kiss he gave me meant absolutely nothing to him and just about everything to me.

2 months later

Za asked me to hang out and since I knew Justin would be there, I'd have to ignore him because I'm not letting our "situation" get in the way of my friendships with my friends.

"Hey y/n/n" Za said pulling me into a tight hug. " Hey you" I said hugging back "I'm glad you came" he said trying not to mention Justin "me too" I said as we walked to the living room.
"Y/n/n" Ryan and Chaz yelled as the ran up and pulled me into a group hug " Hey Guys" I said hugging back. I guess I never noticed how much I truly missed them.

As time went by it got harder and harder to avoid Justin but I needed to keep my distance.

I was walking to the bathroom when I was pulled into one of the guess rooms. "What the heck" I said as I was now face to face with Justin " listen to me plea-" he said as I cut him off "listen to you" I said letting out a laugh " Justin you don't deserve my attention" I said trying to get past him " stop being so stubborn y/n" he said blocking the door "Justin just let me go-" I said as I was cut off by him kissing me.

I pushed him away " You can't keep doing this Justin and to be completely honest with you, I'm done letting you lead me on" I said while using all of my strength to push him out of my way and ran straight to the front door " where are you going y/n" the guys yelled out as I walked out the front door without giving them and explanation. I guess I have to wait until I get home to pee now I thought to myself as I was about to get into my car

"Y/n" Justin yelled  which stopped me dead in my tracks. Before I leave I wanted to get one last thing off my chest. "Baby girl listen to me" Justin said standing in front of me " no Justin listen to me. Make Up Your Mind. Let me be happy the same way your flings make you happy. I'm not going to wait on you like I have been anymore. You know how I feel and it's time for you to make the decisions. Do you want to be with me or do you want to remain as friends" I said getting into my car and driving off.

A/n I hope you guys liked this. I might make two alternate endings if you guys want it and if not I'll just leave it at this. I'm going to go have pizza now cause pizza makes me happy so I guess I talk to you guys when I update again

Love y'all

~Olivia aka Liv

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