"just cause I'm not crying doesn't mean I don't care"

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Hey y'all this is probably gonna be short buuuuuuuuuuuuuut before we start I just want to say ^that man up there is super fine (shout out to anyone who likes lil skies )

Your POV

you know the Cliché break up after catching you ex cheating on you? Ya well this is one of them. I just walked in on Justin and some random chick. Thank God I didn't move in with him. They didn't notice me yet so I quickly but quietly walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed some popcorn from the cabinet. I made my way upstairs once again and took a seat and waited for them to notice me. I waited a few minutes But my impatient self couldn't handle it anymore so I started clapping.

" bravo bravo" I said as I walked up to them
"Y/n it's not what it looks like I- " "save your excuses for someone who cares" I said sitting in his one seater near the window "y/n I" "shhhhhh you lost all talking rights the moment you cheated on me" I said glaring at him "now you" I said moving my gaze towards the girl "I know for a fact that you knew he had a girlfriend, why" I said looking at her waiting for a response "I didn't care if he had a girlfriend plus it's not our first time right justy" "oh! is that right Justy" I said being at the point where I was so done "welp I think I've heard enough of this" I said getting up (not forgetting my popcorn cause you know the comfort food is a must and I wasn't gonna leave food behind) and walking towards the door only to have someone grab my hand "baby don't leave me I- " "you're girls over there so don't baby me " I said pointing to the girl "you can have him" I said turning once again towards the door "see baby I told you she doesn't care. She's not even crying" she said which made me upset "listen sweetheart, just cause I'm not crying doesn't mean I don't care" I said before speaking my last few words "I just refuse to waste my tears on unnecessary things and unnecessary people" I said as I left Justin standing there in tears

I know my self worth and I refuse to waste my tears on someone who couldn't treat me like the queen I know I am.

A/n this was short but I tried to focus on the message of being queens (and kings). Wether you're a girl or guy, you deserve to be treated the best and only the best. You're worth so much and if someone can't treat you right, you don't need them in your life. Your efforts should both be 100 and if not, I don't see the point of being with someone who isn't dedicated to give you all of the the same way you're giving them all of you.

I love y'all and please be safe. The world is a very dark and dangerous place and as of recently we've seen just how cruel people in the world can be.

~Olivia aka Liv

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